Dean Frommhold to Dr. Hamer

Prof. Dr. W. Frommhold

November 4, 1982
716 - Fr/Lä

Dr. Ryke Geerd HAMER 
Lerchenweg 3 
3118 Bad Bevensen

Dear colleague Hamer,

yesterday, in our telephone conversation, you expressed the wish that I should inform you in writing of the faculty's opinion regarding the verification of your research results.

Both the Dean of the Medical Faculty (Clinical Medicine) for the academic year 1981/82 and I, in my capacity of the Dean for the current academic year, share the opinion that, for reasons of neutral assessment, it seems impossible for us to cooperate in examining the results of your treatment method at the present time.

Yours sincerely 
(Prof. Dr. W. Frommhold) 

Translated by El Glauner