by Dr. med. Ryke Geerd Hamer

Statistics as presently applied in Medicine

The intention of statistics is to introduce a list of facts, as in a graph. Then another list of facts is presented. Thirdly, the curve or parameter A is associated with curve or parameter B in a causal manner.
The content of the curves is arbitrarily chosen and inserted. Calculations and conclusions reached follow in a formally correct manner.
The so-called findings in orthodox medicine have so far only ever been statistically based. As long as it is possible to aggregate facts, statistics are valid.
When different series of facts have to be connected statistically in a causal sense, however, things become misleading, i.e. wrong.

For example: there are increasingly fewer storks, so it follows statistically that there are increasingly fewer babies, since it was the storks that brought them. Shepherds in the Caucasus do not get cancer. They eat a lot of sheep's cheese with the statistical consequence that sheep's cheese is anti-carcinogenic and prevents cancer (Scientific paper from the professorship for cancer prophylaxis at the University of Heidelberg/Mannheim).
In my opinion, the use of statistics is a highly controversial practice of the so-called scientific method.

a) more cars are being produced
b) more streets are being built
Possible statistical correlations:
1. because there are more cars, more streets have to be built
2. as more streets are built, more cars are manufactured

Since there is limited information about most phenomena (apart from the difficulty of collecting background data), it seems that statistics are typically employed where sampling or data collection is relatively simple; e.g. mortality statistics in connection with geography, nutrition, pollution, etc.
The mistake lies in the fact that out of the hundred possible causes, only the one that fits is chosen, and a statistical likelihood is constructed without investigating all the other possibilities. The fact that there is very little possibility of a serious conflict for a shepherd in the Caucasus is not even considered as a potential cause.

Similar questionable results can be found if a comparison is made of a group of poor people from a socially weaker class – which is almost a given in surveys of strongly-polluted areas due to industrial emissions or other toxic materials – with a group who live in unaffected areas. For people who live in Bitterfeld or Leuna (Germany), environmental pollution is a very important issue.

Yet, the following type of questions is not considered:

  • the social background of the population analysed
  • whether they come from areas with significant or threatened unemployment because of site restructuring or mass-layoffs, such as in the heavy industry sector
  • to whal extent the awareness in an area with significant environmental pollution combined with sensationalist press coverage is a factor in generating conflict. (For example: the "horror stories" in the press of some babies born without hands which was supposedly caused by water pollution in the North and West Atlantic where the mothers of the affected babies live.)
  • would the hopelessness, poverty and fear of serious disease suffered by the people of Bitterfeld and Leuna not be more significant statistical factors in the origin of disease?
  • what is the interaction between life in a lower social class (with all the pressures that entails) and the awareness of having to work in conditions that expose one to carcinogens and the conflicts this can generate?

There are no statistics yet from the point of view of the Germanische Heilkunde® (formerly: New Medicine, Germanic New Medicine®). Here completely different explanations come into play, which could be proven extremely precisely on top of that.
It is generally thought that aniline medication leads to papilomas of the bladder or renal pelvis or mucosa of the rectum. Here, the Germanische Heilkunde® can give a very simple explanation: 

The affected individuals can experience a Biological Conflict of "not being able to mark the territory" because of the change in colour and odour in the urine and faeces. If a DHS occured, this conflict, which exists in females and males, can lead to renal pelvis ulceration, bladder ulceration. By then, the papilomas are in the keratinized and healed state, but up to now, they have been mistakenly diagnosed as carcinomas; in reality they are only harmless warts.

If a survey were to be conducted of the populations that live close to atomic reactors, it would be no doubt that they were most likely poor people; rich people do not need to live near an atomic reactor. One would therefore come to the conclusion that the poor get more cancer than the rich. However, it is not mentioned in the statistics that one group is poor and the other is rich; only that some live close to the reactor and the others don't. I do not know a single wealthy person who would not immediately sell their house and move away the moment there were plans for building a reactor close to their home. Many statistics are based on the observation that poor people have more diseases than rich people.

Every textbook in oncology states that circumcision lowers the incidence of cervical carcinoma, therefore it is anti-carcinogenic. This assessment, along with its ridiculous conclusions, came about in the following way: Some Israeli doctors analysed a group of Israeli housewives to ascertain how often they suffered cervical carcinomas. Then they used some Arab prostitutes as a comparison group, women who had indiscriminate sexual intercourse with circumcised and uncircumcised men. Obviously, by earning their living in this way with everything that this kind of life entails, they suffered cervical cancer with far greater frequency than the Israeli housewives. The conclusion was that since the Israeli housewives only slept with their circumcised husbands and the prostitutes slept with uncircumciscd men, the cause for the cervical cancer had to be the male smegma – perfectly pseudo-scientific proof that smegma is carcinogenic.

Knowledge of the Germanische Heilkunde® obliges the following comment:
as we all know, the problem is that if two similar events affect two groups, statistics establish only one of 50 possible causes and ignores the other 49. Such medical pseudo-statistics are certainly not science.

Statistics have always been a numerical aggregation of facts. The assumed causes have been statistically built after the fact. Furthermore, they have only been used in reference to the organic level and even there, given the lack of understanding of the interconnections, the knowledge of the two phased nature of "disease" was ignored. In the same way, the level of the psyche and the brain and the importance of handedness remained unrecognized. And not a word about the epileptic crisis, the most common cause of death.
In retrospect, one can justifiably state that most medical statistics have little value and make little sense.

Liver cell carcinoma is by far the most, frequent kind of cancer in many parts of Africa and Asia.

Mozambique70% of all cancers
Senegal67% of all cancers
Bantu in South Africa50% of all cancers
India, China, Taiwan and the Philippines20% of all cancers
USA, Canada and Western Europe2-3% of all cancers

(Neumayr, A. and Weiss, W.: Liver tumors – new aspects. Hepatoga stroenterology 28:1, 1981)

As we know from the Germanische Heilkunde®, on the level of the psyche, a liver cell carcinoma corresponds to the biological fear of starvation conflict. No wonder then that in areas of political conflict and famine, liver cancer is up to 35 times as frequent as in areas where survival is guaranteed and life is orderly as, for instance, in the USA, Canada and Western Europe.

Statistical surveys show the risks of cervical cancer nowadays to be:
lower socio-economic classes, race (black women affected twice as often as white), early marriage, too young at the lime of first sexual contact, and number of partners.
This leads to the conclusion that male sperm is carcinogenic.
(Swan, S.H., and Brown, W.L.: Vasectomy and cancer of the cervix. N.Engl.J.Med. 301:46,1979).

Knowing from the Germanische Heilkunde® (formerly: New Medicine, Germanic New Medicine®) that cervical cancer (in right-handed women) correlates on the level of the psyche with a sexual conflict, this statistic only clarifies the fact that early and frequent sexual intercourse increases the potential for sexual conflict.

Copyright by Dr. med. Ryke Geerd Hamer
Translated by El Glauner