Passing on the knowledge of Germanische Heilkunde
The Thing1 informs

1 - THING: The word appears in Old Norse, Old English, and modern Icelandic as þing, in Middle English (as in modern English), Old Saxon, Old Dutch, and Old Frisian as thing, in German and Dutch as Ding and ding respectively, and in modern Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Faroese, Gutnish, and Norn as ting, all from a reconstructed Proto-Germanic neuter *þingą; the word is the same as the more common English word thing, both having at their core the basic meaning of "an assemblage, a coming together of parts"—in the one case, an "assembly" or "meeting", in the other, an "entity", "object", or "thing". The meeting-place of a thing was called a "thingstead" (Old English þingstede) or "thingstow" (Old English þingstōw) and was often on a somewhat higher place or under a tree.
Dr. Hamer talks about the Thing (23:37) in the video “Mein Studentenmädchen”.

Article by Ewa Leimer , 2021
Translated by El Glauner 

  • Why are we not giving lectures?
  • Why are we not making any publicity for Germanische Heilkunde?
  • Why are we not talking about medicine in relation to Germanische Heilkunde?

We are glad that information about the discovery of Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer reaches increasing numbers of people, and that people want to learn about Germanische Heilkunde in various short lectures or presentations...

However, we cannot satisfy this wish, with good reason...
Germanische Heilkunde is so comprehensive and complex that it cannot be covered in a lecture. This is our view, based on more than 20 years of experience as lecturers.

One of our Germanic women (Germanische Heilkunde Team) said,

“That would be like trying to force the ocean into a puddle. It just doesn't work.”

Let's explain this a little....
What is happening in the world today is the consequence of missing sovereignty. Since centuries, or even longer, our behaviour has been shaped by the system in such a way that we have totally given up our sovereignty. This caused a catastrophic situation, especially regarding the body, and if we consider the soul to exist, also regarding the soul. This can be seen very clearly today... and globally.

Our work focuses on the future, which means that our goal is not to help in therapeutic ways, but to encourage people to start learning and become independent again, by having a profound knowledge of the Germanische Heilkunde. As a result, these people are also able to create a natural world for the future. The fact is, the knowledge of "the Germanische" does not only concern the body, and the body of all living beings, but our whole way of life. It seems that many so-called "know-it-alls" (or rather "correctors" of "the Germanische") would like to ignore this, and therefore, they prefer to talk about "medicine and health" in one way or another. In short: The knowledge of Germanische Heilkunde does not only concern health-related issues, or whatever one understands the term “health” to mean.

We think it is not our role to convince people, since the knowledge of Germanische Heilkunde is convincing in itself, if you only let it have a chance to reach you...

Germanische Heilkunde is far too complex for any brief summary, so we refer you to Dr. Hamer's website, where you will find enough information to get an idea of the far-reaching significance of "the Germanische".

If the information on Dr. Hamer’s website does not awaken the reader's desire to know and to learn, then that's just the way it is... then no lecture and no one-time presentation will be of any help.

Our aim is to prepare the ground for the precious and life-giving seed of Germanische Heilkunde. Because only enthusiastic people and those with a thirst for knowledge will be able to take Germanische Heilkunde with them into the age of "the Germanische". The age, that has already begun, but many are not yet aware of.

You find plenty of information and books in German (and other languages) by Dr. Hamer in the online shop of Amici-Di-Dirk and scientific writings and the 4-year Educational Program ('Self Learning' Program in German, Polish and Russian) on the website of Dr. Hamer. The purpose of this program is to help you delve into this knowledge step by step, so that you can finally live according to "the Germanische"…

The significance of Dr. Hamer's discovery is too important to take a superficial approach to Germanische Heilkunde.


Germanische Heilkunde is the
Ever forbidden True knowledge
Rightly guarded by few
Move back into the Native Generation
And open your heart
Is the way forward...
Sense the FREEDOM
Call others to learn
Hope you understand
Everybody LEARNS for OWN LIFE only!

By Ela Faulkner