Germanische Heilkunde® and medical doctors?!

In this spiritual moonscape, Germanische Heilkunde will guide us back to our intuitive,
individual abilities, to the natural-biological coexistence of all living beings, which we lost.
Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer

Also in Russian, Slovenian, Polish, Czech

Frequently, we are confronted with suggestions that there should be a „training of physicians in accordance with Germanische Heilkunde®.“ However, we do not consider this request to be viable at present.

We would like to explain our position:

We – the people of the present age – are born into a „junk society“, and we grow up in it. It was Dr. Hamer himself who already coined this term. As a result, our thoughts and, to some extent, our feelings are very profoundly influenced, already in early childhood, by beliefs and dogmas that contradict our actual, biologically based way of life. Only a few people are fully aware of that.

But even if we are aware of being influenced by beliefs and dogmas and that these dogmas contradict our biology, it does not mean that we can completely discard this non-biological conditioning (in the way of living, thinking, and reacting).

Therefore, we – as a unity of psyche, brain, and organ – very often react „unnecessarily,“ so to speak, and activate biological Special Programs1. This „unnecessary“ reaction is based on wrong, deeply rooted beliefs and the resulting misinterpretation of our experiences, but is also based on the non-biological, strange ways of living in today's „junk society".

The so-called doctors and so-called therapists are no exception here! They, too, were born into the same „junk society“, as everyone else; they, too, have grown up in it, and are also subject to wrong beliefs. Yes, they are even more affected by it due to their so-called medical training than other people!

How then is it possible, that such a conditioned (University graduated) doctor „treats“ other people „according to Germanische Heilkunde®“, if this doctor has not yet exhaustively studied Germanische Heilkunde® for himself and his family, and neither verified it honestly? Only when this doctor has thoroughly researched the Germanische Heilkunde® for himself and his familiy and when he has verified the various Special Programs1 on his own body over many years, he may then have acquired the faculties to be of benefit to a person seeking help...

However, that brings us to the next problem: Could such a University-graduated doctor – who is experienced in Germanische Heilkunde® - be useful to another person,
- when this other person does not know Germanische Heilkunde® at all and remains stuck in the unnatural way of thinking and living of the „junk society“?
- and when, on top of that, fear and panic are spread all around the patient?
- and, when this person then wants to make decisions in accordance with Germanische Heilkunde®, no one in his environment can support him?

Mind you: We have not even talked about the medical profession's legal practice in accordance with Germanische Heilkunde®! In our „junk society“, any doctor acts illegally when „applying“ the Germanische Heilkunde®. Then, the withdrawal of the license to practice and many further reprisals become a threat. Quickly, this doctor is accused of murder, should one of his patients unfortunately die. No doctor wants to take such a risk! Because only in conventional medicine are patients “allowed to perish” in a row without threatening governmental punitive measures!

In the 40 years that have passed since the discovery of Germanische Heilkunde®, many doctors have studied Dr. Hamer's findings. Where have they all gone? Why isn't there an army of doctors who want to help in accordance with Germanische Heilkunde®?

What should have changed now, after the death of Dr. Hamer? Some argue that the people are gradually waking up and that there are doctors among the awakened, too. Yes, this might be true. However, these awakened doctors have yet to find their way to Germanische Heilkunde® first, learn Germanische Heilkunde® for themselves and verify it on their own body so that their old beliefs do not interfere with their work with the Germanische Heilkunde® or make it completely impossible... A long road of rethinking and relearning would be ahead of them. In the case they genuinely succeeded in this, they could then be there for others – gently and full of reverence for the living people.

Dr. Hamer has tried several times to „practice“ Germanische Heilkunde® in private clinics. He even founded a university in Norway...

For Germanic New Medicine, natural art and way of life...

When Dr. Hamer went into exile in Norway, it was with the desire to advance Germanische Heilkunde® in a supposedly freer country. He wanted to be allowed to practice and teach it. Therefore, he asked the responsible medical association for permission. However, they denied this permission and branded him as an „irresponsible person“. Dr. Hamer initiated legal action since – legally speaking – he could only be called „irresponsible“, if Germanische Heilkunde® had been proven to be false. The faculty would have to prove this; otherwise, it would be pure slander.

However, again the trial was a farce... and without any evidence, the judge decided to refuse the permission without the possibility of appeal. On each of the trial days, Norwegian television, like also many times before in other countries – broadcast discrediting programs with the same old slogans: that he was a criminal who had been deprived of the permission to practice as a doctor, that he had been in prison, etc., etc...

So it happened that although he founded a university where he wanted to practice, teach and do research in collaboration with researchers from different fields (Heilkundige2, physicists, mathematicians, musicians, etc.), BUT IN THE END, IT WAS NOT POSSIBLE. This is because without being allowed to practice legally, one could not treat patients. Without the patients, it would be impossible to teach Germanische Heilkunde® or do interdisciplinary research – as Dr. Hamer had wished and for which he would have needed a university.

The University of Sandefjord was prohibited after a short time. Dr. Hamer also received punishment threats if he did not immediately take the University of Sandefjord's website off the internet.

Until the end of his life, he tried to achieve the legalization of Germanische Heilkunde® in court... The last court trial took place on February 7, 2017, shortly before his death... But all his attempts failed because of our ruling system. To get a better idea of his struggle, we recommend you to read the book „Einer gegen alle“, „One against All“, which is not yet translated into English.

At this point, we would like to present to you an excerpt from a TV program which presents Dr. Hamer's success with officially determined figures:

Walter Mendel, lawyer of Dr. Hamer, on German TV, 1997

What was the result of such an overwhelming success?

So, what should be different now? Why do some people think that what Dr. Hamer could not implement in his lifetime would suddenly be feasible to implement now?

Please, do not misunderstand us! Of course, we too, would love to have doctors who can help us in case of an emergency!!! No question!!!

Sometimes we actually need clinical help during the course of a Significant Biological Special Program... however, only for 2-5% of the affected people, as Dr. Hamer documents in his publications.

But this number requires that the affected people understand Germanische Heilkunde® and as best as possible, live in accordance with it.

At present, unfortunately, we are yet faced with the impossibility of realizing this wish! The principle: „The king is dead, long live the king!“ will not work concerning our physicians!

True Heilkundige2 have yet to be born to grow up with Germanische Heilkunde® and live according to this knowledge in everyday life. Only then, will they have a sufficiently large wealth of experience to actually be able to help/assist other people.

Until then, we must help ourselves as best as we can. That would mean that there is no way around the assumption of personal responsibility and self-study of Germanische Heilkunde®. With this knowledge, we can reduce the necessity of clinical help to a minimum. With this knowledge, we learn to live in harmony with our biological code and the laws of nature. With this knowledge, we create small seeds, the ground for a new society, which is no longer hostile to us and can produce genuine Heilkundige2.

However, as long as most people are not sovereign and certainly not in possession of the knowledge and experience of Germanische Heilkunde®, we cannot expect a sovereign state to emerge, as it were, out of nothing. The ground for a natural society can only be prepared by mature and sovereign people.

The people need to understand that the hope for quick help from outside is illusory within the presently prevailing system; just as imaginary as hoping for rapid training of doctors who can help us in an emergency. For one's survival, it is necessary to take one's fate into one's own hands, learn anew to take responsibility for oneself, and learn how to be self-sufficient (autonomous).

That is our goal, which implies thinking in generations.

Even the opponents of Germanische Heilkunde® think in generations! We also have to learn this anew.

At first glance, this path is not popular, and it does not make you wealthy (if wealth is defined as the increase of money). But in the long run, Germanische Heilkunde® can spread in this way.

Acting independently is the first important step. Besides, it is part of the implementation of Germanische Heilkunde®. „To be treated passively“ is not part of Germanische Heilkunde®. The patient, or rather the person concerned, is the „boss of the procedure,“ as Dr. Hamer repeatedly cautioned. It is with good reason that Dr. Hamer chose this term „boss of the procedure“. Dr. Hamer kept saying that Germanische Heilkunde® is not a repair workshop of traditional medicine and should not be understood as a repair workshop.

The search for helpful therapists and doctors is a trap. Tempting though it is, it leads us in precisely the wrong direction, away from the actual implementation of Germanische Heilkunde® in our families, the communities' seedbeds.

As Dr. Hamer used to say,

„Germanische Heilkunde® is not possible without a constitutional state, and a constitutional state is not possible without Germanische Heilkunde®.“

The GENIAL DOCTOR and the GREAT PERSON AND FIGHTER – Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer has passed away...

Now it is our turn – we, the „common“ people. Only we can prepare the ground for its breakthrough and thus for a constitutional state by learning comprehensively and honestly and living in accordance with Germanische Heilkunde®.

Translated by Ela Faulkner and Germanische Heilkunde Team

1 - Special Program: Dr. Hamer often uses only the abbreviated term "Special Program", as the nomenclature is clear. The term "Special Program" always refers to "Significant Biological Special Program" (SBS).
2 - Heilkundige(r) : The one who understands Germanische Heilkunde in its full complexity and the "doctor" in the future when Germanische Heilkunde is officially recognized.