“I'm looking for help…”

Only a profound understanding of the biological processes in your body will help you to avoid panic and subsequent conflicts and therefore serious complications in the course of a SBS. Never rely on so-called therapists! Right now you can only help yourself by studying Germanische Heilkunde® for your own sake and live by it! 

"The Patient is the Master of the Procedure."  Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer

It is possibly a bit disillusioning to be confronted with the above lines. Nevertheless, with a comprehensive, unadulterated knowledge you are lucky not to panic and to make wise health decisions. This website cannot and must not offer you any therapeutic or analytical help in a correct and responsible manner. Since Germanische Heilkunde® (formerly: New Medicine, Germanic New Medicine) is forbidden until today, you will understand why there are no therapists, doctors (Heilkundige) or clinics where Germanische Heilkunde® is practiced and lived.

Another method of suppressing knowledge of Germanische Heilkunde® is to confuse those interested and seeking help by offering a large amount of falsified, shortened material and misleading people by alleged therapy according to the Germanische Heilkunde®.

Is it important for our life as humans and our survival as a human species to have a deep knowledge of the
Germanische Heilkunde®?

Yes, because a well-grounded knowledge releases us among other things mainly from fear and panic!

It is certainly not difficult to imagine why most patients die of panic and its consequences within a few weeks or months. This is why it has always been claimed that cancer is "malignant", that it is a wild and haphazardly proliferating uncontrolled process that nobody can understand.

Even though we have known for 20 years now (note: this is an older text by Dr. Hamer) how cancer develops and how it can possibly disappear again, it is of no use to patients at present, because as long as Germanische Heilkunde® is still boycotted and may not be applied, people will continue to die (mostly because of panic).

Quote from SBS - Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin
Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer

Germanische Heilkunde® is so consistent and clear in itself that it does not need any futher additions. In fact, it loses its validity through additions. At best, in the future, when Germanische Heilkunde® is recognised worldwide, further discoveries can be made within the system of Germanische Heilkunde®, when mankind has understood the essence of this discovery. There is nothing comparable in the history of discoveries.

In order to experience this precious discovery today as a help, that is, to consciously experience the system discovered by Dr. Hamer, one must understand it. In fact, one has to fully absorb it. There is no other way yet!

This approach is possible for everyone!
Because the special aspect about the GERMANISCHE is, that once we understand it and follow the Laws of Nature, we do not need a therapist, because our body carries out "therapies" itself. (Below you will find a testimonial from a former Patient.)

For some years now, an Educational Program for Germanische Heilkunde® has been offered in Polish language, which is available in German since 2020. Information about the Educational Program in English language will be available on this website in the future.

In the course of a SBS, sometimes (Dr. Hamer speaks about 5% of all cases) clinical help is required. In other cases, the body can manage on its own. Clinical help is designed to support our biological body in the case of exuberant symptoms, if we have "overdeveloped" the conflict mass, and/or if we have "overdeveloped" a SBS. Today, however, one cannot count on adequate clinical help, as there is no clinic where the correlations discovered by Dr. Hamer can be taken into account in "support measures".
If one has absorbed the Germanische Heilkunde®, then one also understands that the majority of the "sick" patients are already in the vagotonic phase. So the decisive point of the Significant Biological Special Program, the so-called Conflictolysis, has already been reached. With a highly acute dramatic conflict shock that is experienced isolatively (beginning of a Significant Biological Special Program), all "therapeutic" biological measures for healing are already "carried out" in the body....  In such a case it is enough to go through the upcoming phases patiently, with understanding and wise self-care, without disturbing the body in finishing its work.

Even if the conflict is still active, we need to understand the correlations in order to find the conflict and its tracks and to solve it successfully. No therapist will be able to help us better than we can help ourselves, because nobody knows us better. Not to mention the fact that it is best to prepare for the symptoms of the second phase (= vagotonia, pcl-phase) during the active phase. No one else can do that for us either.

Futhermore, there are also such conflicts where the activity (ca-phase) must not be terminated under any circumstances, if one can assess that a premature death may occur in the course of the epi-crisis.
Do you really want to trust a therapist whose qualifications you do not even know? Unfortunately, it happens very often that somebody gets in touch with an alleged therapist and then the Germanische Heilkunde® or Dr. Hamer are accused for the catastrophe. 

Therefore learning the GERMANISCHE means to take responsibility and deal with it seriously, i.e. you need a lot of time and independent thinking for this work, but there is no way around it!

“The Patient must mature.” 
He has to say: “No, I won't do that. I'd rather help myself together with others."

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer 
(see historical documentary film "Sanatorium Rosenhof")

Therefore, each person (together with his/her family) must know in detail what is going on in his/her body.
Whether the term "patient" is still appropriate in Germanische Heilkunde® is yet to be seen. Probably this term will endure in the future. After all, the term "patient" describes someone who is patient (patiens = patient, persevering). This is a very important quality required in the course of a Significant Biological Special Program (SBS): patience and no panic, but understanding and foresight, accepting the symptoms of the SBS we experience and respond wisely to the needs of our body. But for this to be possible, we need a friendly environment and surrounding people that also know these correlations.

Everyone who has really understood Germanische Heilkunde® and lives by this knowledge daily within the family, is aware that no one can be "healed" by third parties. The active participation of the person concerned in the psycho-biological process that takes place in his/her own body is indispensable.

This is an important prerequisite for the optimal course of an SBS, which is nowadays defined as an disease:
Not to panic in view of the symptoms and thus not to "start" a new SBS.
These new SBSs, which are the result of panic, are difficult to stop. The affected person can get into a vicious circle. Then new symptoms are added, which causally have nothing to do with the primary ones. The typical secondary conflicts arise with such feelings1 as fear of death or attack because of an upcoming surgery; or fear of losing one's existence or feeling disfigured ... etc.
Understanding these processes that take place in the living body gives us the necessary confidence in nature and serenity. Only in this state one can make balanced decisions. 

Trying to learn this knowledge, while the body is suffering from symptoms, or when a ”threatening” sounding diagnosis and prognosis has been made, or a mutilating surgery or chemo “therapy” has already been performed, is a difficult sometimes impossible task.

A new era has dawned in Medicine (and therefore not only in medicine!) –  we can and must rethink, also with regard to the relationship doctor (Heilkundiger) - patient (person with symptoms). The submissive behaviour and the (un)holy obedience of the patients seeking help has come to an end. (One can easily compare this with the former blind, submissive obedience to the representatives of the faith). We cannot expect any help from the publicly responsible persons.

In the cartel media, there has been haggling against Dr. med. Ryke Geerd Hamer in the most vile way - now these media are silent about his passing, not even in a slanderous way do they dare to report.

Germanische Heilkunde® is forbidden to this day  and those who falsify Germanische Heilkunde®, who carelessly offer so-called therapy and print falsified books by violating Dr. Hamer's copyrights are also responsible for the suppression of knowledge. 

Since Dr. med. Ryke Geerd Hamer discovered the The Iron Rule of Cancer, his discovery has been suppressed and Dr. Hamer and his family have been persecuted.

Documents of this Suppression of knowledge can be found in the Archive and a lot of further information about the criminal attempts to eliminate Dr. Hamer can be found in the book „Einer gegen Alle“ ("One against all") by Dr. med. Ryke Geerd Hamer.

A few questions:

  • Why are the persons who copy, falsify and reprint Dr. Hamer's books, even offering so-called therapy, not persecuted?
  • Why can Dr. Hamer's copyright be violated without further consequences?
  • Why there is no practising physician allowed to profess Germanische Heilkunde® and work according to it?
  • Does the freedom of choice not apply to the patient ?
  • Do you know any affected parents whose children have been tortured with chemo? Or have you been affected yourself?
  • Do parents have a treatment choice for their children - do we still have a right to physical integrity?
  • How is it that despite the catastrophic state of cancer therapy in school medicine, Germanische Heilkunde® has not yet been officially examined by the public and the examinations that have taken place are hushed up?
  • Is it possible that this suppression of knowledge is not only the work of the unteachable old school medicine?
  • Could it be that such questions trigger emotions in us that we do not want to be touched by?
  • Could it be that in our "good enlightened" time, in which nobody seems to lack anything, such an outrageous suppression is possible at all?
  • Is it possible that whole populations can be deceived and lied to?
  • We know great discoveries and insights from history. Is it conceivable that in our time a discovery has been made that surpasses these previous discoveries?
  • Do you want to believe or do you want to know?

Attention: This website contains only some parts of the original works of Dr. Hamer. For the study of GERMANISCHE, we refer you to the Original literature (www.amici-di-dirk.com) of Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer. In his books you will find numerous documented cases where you can learn to understand the system of Germanische Heilkunde®. You will learn to analyse your own SBS.
Due to the economic boycott (reprinting and falsification of the books, stealing the copyright...) the publishing house Amici-Di-Dirk is not always able to reprint out-of-print editions or to publish new editions and translations into other languages. To keep you informed about the suppression of knowledge in Germanische Heilkunde®, historical documents are regularly put online in the Archive. You are also welcome to keep up to date by subscribing to the newsletter.

Article - Germanische Heilkunde® Working Group

With your donation, Dr. Hamer's books can be translated into many languages, published not only in digital form but as Paperback or even Hardcover. Publications support the worldwide dissemination of Germanische Heilkunde® in its original form.

Your donation is important and valuable, thank you!


Testimonial from a former Patient

I am 61 years old and in Sept. 91 I received the devastating diagnosis "cancer - incurable" from conventional medical practitioners. As I still trusted orthodox medicine at that time, I automatically got caught in the vicious circle of therapy, surgery, chemo, radiation.

I kept up this therapy until the 4th month of chemo.
When then other patients around me died, I started to wake up, because I was also getting worse and worse. I gave my farewell to conventional medicine and searched for alternatives. From raw food therapy to Prof. Hackethal I grabbed every straw until I became aware of the New Medicine in Sep. 1992.

While studying the book "Legacy of a New Medicine", the scales fell from my eyes. "It's all in the psyche!" I had unconsciously caused my disease myself. I began to investigate the causes of my problems and was able to solve them thanks to my family around me. This process took place in small steps. I became more and more secure and with time I lost the terrible fear I had always had until then, due to the understanding of the NEUE MEDIZIN (today: Germanische Heilkunde®) - which is not a “medicine to swallow”.

At the end of Dec. 92 I felt totally healthy and had myself checked again (laboratory values and ultrasound) to see if I could rely on my feelings. Everything was fine! I received the results of this check on paper and today (1997) I feel very well and healthy. I am now living according to the new findings and have turned my life upside down.

Every day I am greatful that I can enjoy life again and that there is the NEUE MEDIZIN (New Medicine, today: Germanische Heilkunde®) which I always consult. I have not been examined by conventional medicine for 4 years now and have taken responsibility for my body myself. Since then I have been doing well and I can pursue my profession without fear.

Translated by Ela Faulkner & El Glauner

1 - In German: “Empfindungen”. Feelings are also “Gefühle” in German language, but “Gefühle” is slightly different from “Empfindungen”. We did not find an adequate word for it in the English language.