Sanatorium Rosenhof

This historical documentary film from 1984 shows in the beginning patients playing music and singing in a cosy get-together with their doctor – Dr. med. Ryke Geerd Hamer. Today, we are still "light years" away from his vision of an ideal hospital.

In this film we learn how devoted Dr Hamer was to his patients, how he could empathise with them, how happy he could be for them and how dedicated he was. (At that time his medical license had not yet been revoked).

We get to know him as a scientist and as a person who loved truth and justice, and cared about the well-being of his fellow human beings, indeed of all the fellow inhabitants on earth. He fought to the limits for the public recognition of Germanische Heilkunde®. He never gave up publicly naming the oppressors, persecutors, murderers, thieves and hypocritical representatives of Germanische Heilkunde®. As a result, he was persecuted without mercy, robbed of his financial livelihoods, had to face several assassination attempts and was finally forced into exile. See "Einer gegen alle" and archive.

He always had a sympathetic ear for his patients. He never asked for money, on the contrary, he gave money to others and never refused to help others.
At the end of the documentary we learn about the idea "Amici di Dirk", as he later called his publishing house. This publishing house was never well-off – quote: "The publishing house manages to survive" – and probably this has not changed to date. In the case of Dr Hamer, it seems to have always been business as usual for others to violate his copyrights and commercialise his life's work. This has also not changed to this day. He comments on this in some letters and also in this film: "Germanische Heilkunde and the Suppression of Knowledge."

When this documentary was made, Dr. Hamer had not yet discovered all the Biological Natural Laws. The foreword to the 7th edition of his work "Legacy of a New Medicine" reads the following:

In 1994 a 5th Biological Natural Law was added to the 4 already existing since 1987, the so-called Quintessence...
With the 5th Biological Natural Law, my earlier belief which I still had when I discovered the "Iron Rule of Cancer" and the "Law of the Two Phases of all so-called diseases (if the conflict is resolved)" is outdated, namely that the DHS, the initial Biological Conflict Shock, is a "short-circuit" in the brain. Because by "short-circuit" one understands a "breakdown", a "malfunction" of the organism, a malignant degeneration without purpose, etc. This was not correct. Fortunately, I had not included this wrong definition in the first two Biological Natural Laws, but had formulated these Biological Natural Laws strictly scientifically.


Thanks to Dr. Hamer, these patients had found a new understanding of their SBS and had lost the fear of it (in this case so-called cancer). However, Dr. Hamer was forced to close this sanatorium after only a short time – and his medical license was revoked two years later (1986). Therefore, many of the patients had no other option than to follow orthodox medicine – often with a tragic outcome.

Film Overview:

  • Dr Hamer introduces the Iron Rule of Cancer.
  • Dr. Hamer is interviewed by Rainer Holbe.
  • You meet 8 patients of Dr. Hamer.
  • Discussion about the Medical Arbitration Tribunal that took place on Dec. 6, 1983. Some of the patients who participated are present.
  • The relationship between physician and patient in the future.
  • The relieving humour of the patients.
  • The idea Amici di Dirk...
  • Many of the film segments date back to 1982!

Germanische Heilkunde THING
Translated by El Glauner