
A few questions...

1) Do you know this man? You will certainly answer “yes” and perhaps also think that he is the greatest genius of the 20th century.

2) Do you also know his scientific discovery that made him “the greatest genius of the 20th century”? His discovery is probably known to many: he founded the theory of relativity.

3) What exactly is the theory of relativity? Probably many people are able to repeat the equation E=mc². But what does it mean? How has this discovery changed your life?

4) Don't you also ask yourself how EINSTEIN came to be one of the greatest geniuses of our time???

We haven't even talked about the fact that Einstein was a math illiterate who “copied” (or rather stole?) the famous equation from the Austrian physicist Prof. Dr. Friedrich Hasenöhrl. In the meantime, doubts about the theory of relativity have grown in scientific circles...

5) Finally, we come to the most important questions:

  • How important is Dr. Hamer's discovery for your life?
  • How many people know Dr. Hamer as the greatest discoverer in human history – and not just as a charlatan and anti-Semite?
  • What is the difference between Dr. Hamer and Einstein?

    Answer: One man makes the greatest discovery in the history of mankind, people steal it from him (see ZWEISTEINs), persecute and ridicule him – the other man is math illiterate, steals someone else's (Prof. Hasenöhrl's) discovery and is acclaimed worldwide.

One is the greatest scientist of all time and the other the greatest showman of all time...

  • But it's the media that makes you a showman, isn't it?
  • Who owns the media? Who is Einstein?

Germanische Heilkunde THING, April 2024
Translated by El Glauner