Basic information...


Hai, I am … Homoeopathic doctor learning German1 New Medicine under... I also have a group of about 2700 members learning GNM under my banner... We are planning to continue the teaching of GNM under the … platform. I understand that GNM is going to make revolution in the future health care scenario. I would like to know whether we can use the contents of this website for the teaching of GNM for my students. What is the difference between GNM and Germanic Heilkunde? Is there a particular website to learn GNM run by the family members of Dr Hamer. We are following the website of … for the learning of GNM2. Kindly give a reply at your earliest convenience. Dr… (Telephone number)


Dear Dr…
We are very pleased that you have found Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer’s website. You have many questions, which we can understand very well. At the time when Dr. Hamer was still alive, nobody translated (wanted to translate) his website into English and therefore information about his discovery and the suppression of knowledge could not be spread directly in English. Fortunately 2 books are translated and a few important videos. Also, the English content of this website has only been accessible since last year (2020), as still no passionate or enthusiastic native speaker has been found to translate the website on a larger scale. Unfortunately, we do not have the capacity to translate more of the original articles by Dr. Hamer into English. The Germanische Heilkunde® of Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer is still waiting for a dedicated native speaker who has a good command of the German language and who knows and understands the Germanische Heilkunde® in detail and its extensive significance.

To come back to some of your questions:

What is the difference between GNM and Germanic Heilkunde?

GNM is the abbreviation for Germanic New Medicine (Germanische Neue Medizin®). Dr. Hamer renamed his discovery more than 10 years ago. You can read about it here: Why Germanische Heilkunde

Is there a particular website to learn GNM run by the family members of Dr Hamer.

We administrate Dr. Hamer's website and we have the permission to make his scientific writings available on the internet from his publishing house Amici-di-Dirk®, which Dr. Hamer left to his wife Bona Hamer. There are no other family members of Dr. Hamer, who are working for his discovery.
(Who are WE? – Please read “Crocus and German Fraktur” and “Translator and Translation”)

I understand that GNM is going to make revolution in the future health care scenario.

Germanische Heilkunde® has not only revolutionised medicine. When the Germanische Heilkunde® is officially recognised worldwide, it will revolutionise all sciences and all areas of social life as well as the economy. Germanische Heilkunde® will probably only be recognised when the peoples of a state gain their sovereignty. Only then will a sovereign state be possible, because the people build the state.

In order for Germanische Heilkunde® to be officially recognised worldwide, all areas of life must take on a natural form (in the sense of Germanische Heilkunde®) and for this to happen, all (or at least the majority) of the states would have to become sovereign... 

Until this happens, it will be difficult, if not impossible, to achieve official recognition of the Germanische Heilkunde®.

This is the reason why Germanische Heilkunde® is suppressed: It makes us free people again and disempowers those who suppress Germanische Heilkunde®.

I would like to know whether we can use the contents of this website for the teaching of GNM for my students.

All information on Dr. Hamer's website is freely available. We will be happy if you and your students also read and study the original information.

Please read also the article about our aims and strategy in passing on Germanische Heilkunde®.

Please find more information here: Help

With kind regards,
Your Germanische Heilkunde Team

1 - Dr. Hamer never named his discovery "German New Medicine". This is a wrong translation. Or is it a translation to avoid the word "Germanic"?
2 - GNM: Dr. Hamer hardly ever used the abbreviation GNM in his books. Around 2006, German and Polish speakers started to use the abbreviation “The GERMANIC”, when they were talking about the Germanic New Medicine. 
In the following quote, Dr. Hamer used the abbreviation GNM ("Brustkrebs" - der häufigste Krebs bei Frauen? S.15 and AIDS - die Krankheit die es gar nicht gibt S.8)

The resistance against the Germanic New Medicine, and especially against me, always comes from the same direction worldwide, namely from the ranks of those who want to steal the Germanic New Medicine and have it discovered for themselves.
The pure GERMANIC is supposed to be available only for "the chosen ones", and the fragmented, mixed and falsified GNM for "the common people".

With your donation, Dr. Hamer's books can be translated into many languages, published not only in digital form but as Paperback or even Hardcover. Publications support the worldwide dissemination of Germanische Heilkunde® in its original form.

Your donation is important and valuable, thank you!