by Dr. med. Ryke Geerd Hamer
The 5 Biological Laws of Nature of Germanische Heilkunde®
Germanische Heilkunde®, which was discovered in 1981, is a strict Natural Science with only 5 Biological Laws of Nature and no hypothesis. It describes exactly the medical-biological connections of the living organism, as a unit of
Psyche, Brain and Organ.
In Germanische Heilkunde® it would be absurd to raise the question, whether psychological processes could "trigger" physical processes. In Germanische Heilkunde® a psychic process is equivalent to a parallel and synchronous cerebral process and also synchronous with a physical-organic process. All processes of psyche and organ are connected and coordinated by the brain. The brain is quasi the big computer of our organism, the psyche becomes the programmer, body and psyche again together become the effetor organ of the computer, both with optimal programming and with a disturbance of the program. For it is by no means only the case that the psyche programs the brain and the organ, but the organ is also able to induce, in the case of injuries, quasi automatic programming of the brain and the psyche. In this way Germanische Heilkunde® differs fundamentally from all previous medical directions, especially the so-called School Medicine.
For the first time in the history of medicine, there is now a scientific medicine that can be used to reproduce any patient case in a strictly scientific manner. This was demonstrated and officially verified at the University of Trnava (Slovakia) on the 8 & 9 September 1998!
Up to that time, medicine had been largely ideological - theologically speaking, as a battle of evil with good, of the sick with the healthy. We saw the so-called "diseases" as breakdowns of nature, as insufficiencies of the organs, also as punishment of God. We therefore spoke of "malignant growth" and "benign growth". We imagined that cancer cells and microbes were armies of evil or malignant, which we had to fight through an army of the benign (e.g. immune system), with the help of good doctors and many good medicines, operations, radiation, etc. We even believed we had to cast out or exorcise the devil with Beelzebub, fight cancer with the worst cell poison. Medicine was based on a big mistake, so we had never been able to find a system in medicine before.
Germanische Heilkunde® applies to humans, animals and plants, and even to single-celled organisms - to the entire cosmos. And it applies to all so-called diseases - all those which only exist - because they are each only parts of a normally two-phase "Significant Biological Special Program of Nature" (SBS), and they all follow these 5 Biological Natural Laws of Germanische Heilkunde®. The trigger of every so-called "illness" is always a Biological Conflict, a highly dramatic shock experience - called DHS.
Copyright by Dr. med. Ryke Geerd Hamer
Translated by Ela Faulkner
The first Biological Natural Law
Germanic Heilkunde - Introduction 1
it has 3 criteria
Every Significant Biological Special Program (SBS), originates from a DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrome), which is a severe, highly acute dramatic, and isolative conflict-experience-shock, that occurs simultaneously on three levels: psyche - brain - organ.
Such an experience catches a person off guard or on the wrong foot, as if hit by a blow from a club. Everyday worries, problems and difficulties are not meant here. We can adapt and prepare ourselves for the usual troubles of life.
What concerns us here is the moment of surprise of a dramatic experience. One is affected in one´s personality to the core, therefore, we call it a Biological Conflict, and one is standing there in that moment completely alone. One is unable to, or will not, speak about it “get it off one´s chest” (isolative). The conscious mind or our logical thinking is useless in this moment.
We sense and feel a shock. That is enough, and that is all that counts.
At which organ an SBS begins, is determined by the manner of sensing (=conflict content!) during the conflict-shock (DHS).
Moreover, at the moment of this experience, a particular Significant Biological Special Program (SBS) begins, and synchronously alters our psyche, our brain and the correlated organ, whereby, the conflict contents determine which area of the brain is affected and which organ.
Therefore, we call such a conflict, which synchronously hits on all three levels of our organism, in the psyche, the brain and the organ, a Biological Conflict.
At which organ an SBS begins, is determined by the manner of sensing (=conflict content!) during the conflict-shock (DHS).
A conflict shock (DHS) leaves traces in the brain. In a brain CT these ball-shaped structures look like circular disks. They were called the „odd Hamer Foci“ (HH) by my opponents.
The location of the HH provides exact information as to which organ is affected. Besides that, one can tell whether the conflict is still active (HH edges clearly defined) or if the patient is already in the healing phase = pcl-phase (HH blurred through water deposits = oedema).
One could call these Hamer Foci „conflict indicators“. They are the living proof that the psyche controls all organs through the brain.
Furthermore, the HOHs (Hamersche Organ Herde = Hamer Organ Foci) look, as it were, just like the HHs, moreover, regardless whether cell-increase is occurring (tumour) or cell-decrease (ulceration or necrosis). We always see these round or ball-like target rings, with sharply delineated edges in the ca-phase and blurred by oedema deposits in the pcl-phase, also in the organ.
Computer tomogram (CT) of the brain |
1 - Please note that this is only a very short version and that you will need extensive knowledge to understand the Germanische Heilkunde®. Besides understanding the system and many important details, it is especially important to study the patient cases in Dr. Hamer's books in order to understand what the GERMANISCHE (GERMANIC) is and how to live in harmony with this knowledge (= the system discovered by Dr. Hamer).
The Second Biological Natural Law
of all Significant Biological Special Programs (SBS) provided there is a resolution of the conflict (CL)
Germanic Heilkunde - Introduction 1
In academic medicine, we know of the autonomic nervous system with its two counterparts, the activity- “nerve” = sympathetic nerve (sympathicontonia) and the rest- “nerve” = vagus nerve (vagotonia). The sympathetic nerve regulates the bodily functions during waking hours (work, sport, stress). The vagus nerve takes command during rest, relaxation and recuperation.
In the normal day/night rhythm there is a balanced changeover from one to the other, comparable to the pendulum of a wall clock. That would be the ideal condition in which we feel good and healthy (see diagram, far left column).
I have now been able to observe that after a conflict-shock (DHS), the body automatically “switches” to permanent stress. Each of us can observe this on ourselves with a DHS; an accident happens – extreme agitation (DHS): instantly, we get cold hands, lose our appetite, the heart beats fast, breathing is accelerated, and our thoughts rotate exclusively around the conflict problem. Now we are in the “cold phase”, under permanent stress, called conflict-active. Even at night, the sympathetic nerve is in control: we sleep badly or not at all, (see diagram, 2nd column).
With the conflict-resolution (CL), the 2nd phase, the resolution phase has begun: warm hands, good appetite, tiredness, fever, headaches. This conflict-resolution phase = permanent vagotonia, also called the “hot phase”, lasts maximally as long as the conflict-active phase did. In the middle of the conflict-resolution phase (pcl-phase), it is interrupted by the so-called epileptic/epileptoid crisis (also called sympathicotone crisis). Each SBS has a particular epileptic (motoric) or epileptoid crisis. In the case of a motoric conflict, the smooth or striated musculature is affected, and we speak of an epileptic crisis. For the other SBSs, we speak of an epileptic-similar crisis or the so-called “cold-days”.
First of all, it is important to know that in the motoric epileptic crisis of the striated muscles (e.g. skeleton musculature, heart musculature), there is, to be sure, also strong sympathicontonia. But as opposed to sympathicotonia ca-phase (in which there is paralysis), we see in the epileptic-motoric crisis, tonic or clonic cramps, or a combination of both. Tonic cramps are prolonged, continuous cramps that appear with a long-lasting conflict, whereas, the rhythmic clonic cramps appear after short-lasting conflicts. A combination of tonic-clonic occurs if the conflict is resolved after a long period (tonic cramps), and when after resolution, the conflict is activated for a short time again, and therafter, resolved (clonic cramps).
Regarding smooth musculature (e.g. stomach, intestine, uterus), it is again different: We see in the epileptic crisis, a locally restricted tonic prolonged cramp, which we previously often mistakenly called “intestinal obstruction” or ileus, followed by the clonic (=rhythmic) cramp of the entire gastrointestinal tract that we call diarrhoea.
The cold days of different epileptoid crises have completely different symptomatic courses and, according to which organs are affected (e.g. guided by the sensory or post-sensory cortex), an absence2 may also accompany it.
Most epileptic and epileptoid crises are not life-threatening for the patient. Some few epileptic crises, such as left myocardial infarction, coronary heart infarction or pulmonary embolism, are dangerous if conflict activity has been extended, and if there is Syndrome. The coronary heart infarction is a combination of an epileptic crisis of the coronary musculature and an epileptoid crisis of the pavement epithelium-intima of the coronary arteries. The same combination of epileptic and epileptoid crises applies also to the musculature and the pavement epithelium-intima of the coronary veins responsible for pulmonary embolism. Thereby, the healing plaques3 become loose through the clonic spasms of the striated vein musculature, and are pushed into the lung. With Syndrome, the epileptoid crisis of bronchial ulcers, which we used to call the pneumonic crisis, is also dangerous.
The old country doctors understood this critical phase. They would say: “...if he weathers the next few days, then he will be through the worst...”, e.g. the so-called lysis with pneumonia. Unfortunately, our academic doctors hardly know anything about this.
So, for example, nobody is able to explain to themselves why practically all heart infarctions occur during times of rest and relaxation! If the blocked coronary arteries were to blame, as academic medicine claims, they would have to happen with bodily exertion (work, sport). In fact, the coronary co-called heart infarction is the healing crisis of a territorial-loss conflict (unwanted retirement, dismissal, the partner leaves...) which only ends fatally if the conflict was active for more than 9 months.
We often relive the conflict again during these epileptic/epileptoid crises in accelerated time, both psychically as well as bodily, i.e. we are once again in sympathicontonia. During this crisis, the helm is being pulled around in the direction of normalization. The water retention (oedema) in brain and organ will be squeezed out. With the epileptic or epileptoid crisis, the piddle-phase begins, and will continue in pcl-phase B, the purpose of which is to bring the organism back to normotonia.
It is very important to understand one thing here: ca-phase and epileptic/epileptoid crises are both sympathicontonia, but of different quality – in the motoric SBS of striated musculature in the ca-phase, there is paralysis; in the epileptic crisis there are tonic or clonic cramps.
The interesting fact in the Second Biological Natural Law is that most “disease” symptoms first appear in the second phase and, therefore, are really “healing” symptoms (catarrh, cough, bladder inflammation, skin exanthema, and so on), that one no longer needs to “treat”.
A total inability to resolve a difficult conflict results in possible emaciation and ultimate complete exhaustion. The organism becomes ever weaker, until a person dies. It is better if we can at least adapt ourselves to the conflict, i.e. it is, indeed, still active, but we can live with it (= a stepped down, i.e. transformed conflict, whereby the intensity of the conflict is reduced). This applies especially to 2 conflicts in a so-called constellation in the territorial-conflict area of the brain. Most people live with these for the rest of their lives.
1 - Please note that this is only a very short version and you will need extensive knowledge to understand the Germanische Heilkunde®. Besides understanding the system and many important details, it is especially important to study the patient cases in Dr. Hamer's books in order to understand what the GERMANISCHE (GERMANIC) is and how to live in harmony with this knowledge (= the system discovered by Dr. Hamer).
2 - An absence can be a short blurring of consciousness, lasting 1 or 2 seconds, but can last minutes, hours or even days, even a week – depending upon the preceding conflict mass. Clinically, one has no difficulty recognising an absence: all vital functions (breathing, circulation, etc.) remain intact, only consciousness is missing. Basically, one could wait, if the patient is not hypoglycaemic.
3 - The pavement epithelial healing plaques form during the replenishment of the pavement epithelial ulcers of the coronary arteries and veins. Fragments of pavement epithelium that are not yet firmly attached are ripped loose during the epileptic attack in the epileptic crisis. In the coronary arteries, these healing plaques swim to the periphery and do not cause further damage. With the coronary veins, they are pushed into the lung arteries and cause the so-called lung embolism.
The Third Biological Natural Law
The so-called Compass of Germanische Heilkunde
Germanic Heilkunde - Introduction 1
From the point of view of academic medicine, any cell proliferation is a case of a so-called „tumour“. This interpretation was and is wrong. Based on the First and Second Biological Natural Law (bi-phaseness), as well as with the help of embryology, I was able to discover the Third Biological natural Law of Germanische Heilkunde.
This law makes understandable why there are two different types of cell proliferation:
we differentiate between initial cell proliferation, i.e. tissue-plus (=tumour) of the original, archaic brainstem-guided tissue in the conflict-active phase, and the cell proliferation in the replenishment of previous necrosis or ulceration in the conflict-resolved phase. The latter cannot be named a “tumour”, but rather, cell replenishment.
I also succeeded in discovering that each of these tissue types is guided from a particular area of the brain and reacts to very specific conflicts either with cell growth, cell diminution or functional changes.
Here is a rough summary of the connections I discovered between the embryonic germ layers and the three levels (psyche, brain, organ):
Inner Embryonic Germ Layer (Endoderm)
The brainstem is the oldest part of our head brain, analogous to the organ brain. The brainstem essentially controls the entire gastrointestinal tract (with the exception of the later immigrated ectodermal parts) and its attached organs such as alveoli, liver, pancreas, uterus, prostate, kidney collecting tubules and salivary glands in the mouth.
Conflict: morsel conflicts
The smooth musculature has an exceptional placement because it is guided by a special part of the brainstem, the so-called midbrain (=transitional area between the brainstem and the cerebrum). As in the other organs guided by the brainstem, there is cell proliferation in the conflict-active phase, but in the pcl-phase the musculature is not broken down, but remains (e.g. the myoma on the uterus with stronger working muscles that assist during labour).
The archaic, oldest conflicts of our organism always concern a morsel, that is, of finding a morsel, swallowing a morsel, moving a morsel along, digesting and finally being able to excrete the faeces, respectively: e.g. the hearing-morsel (information morsel), the air-morsel (breathing-morsel), the food-morsel, the digestion of the morsel, the excretion of the faeces morsel or holding onto a water-morsel with a refugee or existence conflict, when the fish has been thrown on dry land.
Bi-phaseness at the organic level (with synchronous processes at the psychical and brain levels):
conflict-active phase (ca-phase): Tumour (tissue-plus)
conflict-resolved phase (pcl-phase): TB (Tumour breakdown)
Middle Embryonic Germ Layer (Mesoderm)
Organs which count as belonging to the mesoderm – please note that everything is precisely documented in terms of developmental history (ontogenesis) – we need to divide into two large groups: old mesoderm (guided by the cerebellum) and young mesoderm (guided by the cerebral medulla).
1st Old mesoderm (guided by the cerebellum): Corium skin, a part of which are breast glands, pleura, peritoneum, pericardium, nerve sheaths:
Conflict: Attack-conflict (integrity)
Bi-phaseness at the organic level (with synchronous processes at the psychical and brain levels):
conflict-active phase (ca-phase): Tumour (tissue-plus)
conflict-resolved phase (pcl-phase): TB (tumour breakdown)
2nd Young mesoderm (guided by the cerebral medulla): Glia, connective tissue, skeleton, triated muscles, lymph nodes, blood and lymphatic vessels, kidney parenchyma, ovarial parenchyma, testicular parenchyma, the vitreous body of the eye (partially ectodermal):
Conflict: Self-devaluation conflict
Bi-phaseness at the organic level (with synchronous processes at the psychical and brain levels):
conflict-active phase (ca-phase): Necrosis (tissue-minus)
conflict-resolved phase (pcl-phase): tissue restoration (tissue-plus: at the end more mass than before).
Outer Embryonic Germ Layer (Ectoderm)
We have to divide the parts of our organism belonging to the ectoderm into two large groups (guided by the cerebral cortex):
1st SBS with ulcers: Ectodermal pavement epithelium (sensitivity-course either according to AS-pattern or SS-pattern), which makes epithelial ulcers (tissue-minus) in the conflict-active phase (ca-phase) and repairs with restitution of the ulcers in the conflict-resolved phase (pcl-phase).
Here, it is a question of territorial or separation conflicts. For example: outer skin, milk ducts of the breast, cervix uteri and portio, seminal versicle, renal pelvis plus ureters, bladder, urethra, rectum and vagina, intima of coronary arteries and veins, intrahepatic and extrahepatic liver-bile ducts and gall bladder, intrapancreatic and extrapancreatic ducts, etc.
2nd SBS without ulcers, i.e. a meaningful functional impairment, changes without cell-loss or cell-proliferation, respectively. We observe functional impairment in the conflict-active phase (ca-phase), functional renormalization in the conflict-resolved phase (pcl-phase).
For example: hypoglycaemia, functional impairment of the alpha-islet cells of the pancreas and the liver (fear-disgust conflict), or of the beta-islet cells of the pancreas (diabetes, change or rather decrease of insulin, hyperglycaemia, resistance conflict), retina.
Some organs have constituent parts made up of different embryonic germ layers, making the subject somewhat more complicated.
1 - Please note that this is only a very short version and that you will need extensive knowledge to understand the Germanische Heilkunde®. Besides understanding the system and many important details, it is especially important to study the patient cases in Dr. Hamer's books in order to understand what the GERMANISCHE (GERMANIC) is and how to live in harmony with this knowledge (= the system discovered by Dr. Hamer).
The Fourth Biological Natural Law
THE ONTOGENETIC (developmental history)
Germanic Heilkunde - Introduction 1
In academic medicine, we divided microbes into ”good” (e.g. intestinal, mouth and vaginal flora), and ”bad” (e.g. tubercle bacteria). We thought the ”bad ones” were to blame for many diseases. One called these diseases „infectious illnesses“. This mistake, with disastrous consequences, happened because with many illnesses, one found fungi or bacteria within the place of activity. The fungi bacteria proliferate in the ca-phase (tubercle fungi bacteria). Not until the pcl-phase, do bacteria begin to proliferate. But both types only got o work in the pcl-phase, the resolution phase.
Comparison with the fire brigade: someone analyses the source of large fires: “I have evaluated all large fires of the past decades. The result is clear. At each fire, fire engines were present. Therefore, these fire engines are the source of the fires!” that makes no sense, of course, because everyone knows that the fire brigade does not start fires, but is there to extinguish them. It is the same with fungi and bacteria.
They are not to blame for the “illness” but rather they optimize the restitutive pcl-phase. We now know that viruses do not even exist, they are not provable. They were hypothetically postulated, which was a mistake.
Microbes have been our true companions over millions of years. We live with them in perfect symbiosis. Our brain and body rely on them. They receive orders from our brain for very particular “operations”. Our little micro-surgeons augment or decompose tissue – namely, solely in the healing phase:
Fungi and fungi bacteria, our oldest companions, remove, on orders from the brainstem, superfluous tissue of the inner embryonic germ layer (e.g. candida fungi in the intestine, soor fungi in the mouth). The most important are the tubercle bacteria. Night sweats are the sure sign that tubercle bacteria are presently at work.
A summary regarding microbes
Mycobacteria (fungi-bacteria) and fungi work on the tumours guided by the old brain, and proliferate in the conflict-active phase (=ca-phase). Enough mycobacteria will have been “produced in advance” so that in the resolution phase (=pcl-phase), the tumour can be dismantled as quickly as possible. As quickly as possible means: in the biologically determined time, since the microbial surgery is a very complex matter, as we saw earlier in lung TB, that was and is, indeed, nothing other than the tubercular pcl-phase of lung nodules (death-fright-conflict). Without mycobacteria, the whole organism becomes disordered, as we can well see with thyroid-carcinoma. With our modern pictorial procedures (CT and MRT), we can follow very well how a tumour (ca-phase), is caseated by mycobacteria in the pcl-phase.
If, in the case of thyroid-carcinoma, as mentioned, no mycobacteria are available at the right time, then the metabolism runs at full speed, not only in the ca-phase and further in the pcl-phase, but lifelong, as in the case of a car with a blocked accelerator. That a tumour, having already fulfilled its biological meaning and its purpose, should be decomposed, is biologically self-evident.
Bacteria only work on organs belonging to the middle embryonic germ layer (mesoderm), guided by the cerebral medulla, i.e. necroses. They first proliferate in the pcl-phase. During proliferation, they need oedema, that is, a fluid environment and warmth. Therefore, we previously falsely assumed that they were the cause of the pcl-phase symptoms: fever, tiredness, exhaustion, headaches etc.
Most bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci, gonococci), according to another classification anaerobic (=working without air), or aerobic (=working in air), have their particular organ tracts, but can overlap if the “neighbouring specialists” are missing. Killing bacteria with antibiotics reduces symptoms of the pcl-phase, but is biologically idiotic. There are many very different genera of bacteria, each bacterium has, as mentioned, its “specialized organ tract”, as e.g. the gonococci in the uro-genital tract or the corynebacteria of the throat. Some of them, namely, tubercle bacteria, are guided by the old brain (=brainstem + cerebellum), and decompose tumour tissue. The other type of microbes, namely bacteria, guided by the cerebrum medulla, rebuild tissue (e.g. cartilage, bone).
Microbes are important members in the regulating processes of nature.
We should preserve and foster them instead of fighting against them.
Vaccination, against no matter what, are from the pont of view of the GERMANISCHE, not only senseless (since they do not work), but are extremely damaging, due to the conflict possibility from the vaccination procedure itself (fear in the infant or child subjected to vaccination), and poisonous additives (phenol, formaldehyde, mercury, and the aluminium compounds, and so on). Since we do not even know against what we are really vaccinating (toxin, antibodies against the healing phase?), and since there are no viruses that we can vaccinate against, it is all just one big fraud. Even worse: due to no longer ignorable events, we have to urgently assume that already with previous vaccinations, and with all ensuing vaccinations, the point is really chip implantations, whereby, one can observe a vaccinated person his life long, or even worse than that, if the information about the new so-called Chinese “death chips” is correct, a lethal compartment can be activated via satellite.
If tubercle bacteria are missing, because we have eradicated them due to a misguided hygiene, then superfluous tissue can no longer be decomposed that normally would be caseated by mycobacteria. With TB, caverns usually remain. Without TB, the body has to help itself, in this case, by other means: it encloses the tumour in connective tissue.
In the breast, we discover these old tumours in X-rays. They were at one time active milk producing cells of an SBS (un-biological healing). However, what nature did not plan, was that we could “submerge” ourselves within hours in a new, to our body, foreign microbial environment (long distance travel). Here problems can develop, e.g. in the case of malaria.
The cerebral cortex, our youngest part of the brain, possibly works with smallest protein compounds (so-called antibodies in the pcl-phase), to replace missing tissue in the resolution phase (pcl-phase), e.g. bronchi, skin. Moreover, the existence of viruses is very debatable. No one has ever proven a virus beyond doubt. They were always antibodies in the pcl-phase.
Regarding viruses, we did not know, until recently, that they do not exist at all. So-called viruses were postulated 150 years ago, when we had relatively low resolution microscopes. No one has ever seen a virus; also never watched proliferation. Even the hypothesis that the unseen viruses caused an “illness”, was false. Naturally, then all so-called vaccinations against viruses were one enormous fraud, such as AIDS, bird flu and swine flu. In all likelihood, they were in reality – chip implantations.
The hypothetical viruses could, at best, have helped during healing, but even that is so far unproven.
The supposed viruses were no more than co-called antibodies that became involved in a DHS as an accompanying track in the brain, but are only organically visible and measurable as antibodies in the pcl-phase.
This is the case with “AIDS, die Krankheit die es gar nicht gibt”, (AIDS, the disease that does not even exist). With a smegma-trauma, a smegma-track becomes involved in the DHS. The antibodies only first become measurable in the pcl-phase as an AIDS test.
The supposed illness-producing viruses were fundamentally a huge fraud! See also, “Vermächtnis einer Neuen Medizin”, (Legacy of a New Medicine), 1987, and “AIDS, die Krankheit die es gar nicht gibt”.
Virus animations that are occasionally shown on television, are pure deception, done earlier for financial reasons, today additionally, in order to control people their whole life long, command them and, if necessary, kill them at any time that suits, via satellite (chip with lethal compartment):
Bill Gates, the cynical king of the microchip, disclosed in the year 2010:
“The world today has 6.8 billion people... that´s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines (meaning microchip implants), health care (meaning death care), reproductive health services (meaning contraception/abortion), we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.
A month later (July 2010), he said at an AIDS conference in Vienna with an allusion to my book “AIDS, the disease that does not even exist”:
“Then we have prevention approaches that rely on new tools. We now have three tools that have shown significant impact. The first is male circumcision.” (meaning: no more smegma).
As a Jew, he understood my book well; the particular conclusion drawn is naturally idiotic.
1 - Please note that this is only a very short version and that you will need extensive knowledge to understand the Germanische Heilkunde®. Besides understanding the system and many important details, it is especially important to study the patient cases in Dr. Hamer's books in order to understand what the GERMANISCHE (GERMANIC) is and how to live in harmony with this knowledge (= the system discovered by Dr. Hamer).
The Fifth Biological Natural Law
The law of the understanding of every so-called disease as part of a Significant Biological Special Program (SBS®) of Nature, comprehensible in the context of our developmental history (ontogenesis, phylogenesis).
Germanic Heilkunde - Introduction 1
The DHS, initially understood as a breakdown, is the decisive starting point and the crux of each SBS.
We always have to return to the DHS in diagnostics, in order to understand what the patient thought, felt and sensed at that moment. The tracks have to be taken into account as well. Once the two phases have been traversed, the cycle is concluded. Nature has seen to it that the individual can master the unusual challenge, become well, and even emerge stronger from it. Significant Biological Special Program: the appellation indicates this already: each “illness” has a biological purpose!
To grasp the factual significance of “diseases” is, doubtless, the most wonderful gift of the GERMANISCHE. Comparable to the joy a blinded person must have when he can suddenly see again.
Earlier one used to think of a “punishment from God”, or some such, when looking for a meaning. Academic medicine did not even look for meaning. The assumption was that man is just a sack full of chemical elements, protein, fatty matter etc. , a product of chance and, therefore, “prone to error”.
Only thanks to the GERMANISCHE can we now recognise that Mother Nature always meant well with us, and has disposed everything for the best.
“Benign” or “Malignant”?
Whether a tumour will be classified as “benign” or “malignant”, depends in academic medicine on certain criteria. Aside from size, appearance and growth behaviour of the tumour, the most decisive factor is the microscopic finding (biopsy): If one finds in the microscopic examination many enlarged cells and some such with enlarged cell nuclei, as well as many mitoses (= cell divisions), then the diagnosis reads, “malignant”.
To explain: cell growth operates always the same in the body. First the cell swells up. The nucleus and the other cell components get larger and divide themselves (so-called mitosis).
The cell almost doubles its former size just before division. Now the cell constricts and divides. Instead of one cell, we end up with two cells. The “off-spring” is conspicuous before cell division through enlarged nuclei compared to the rest of its mass.
Instead of “malignant”, it would be accurate to speak of cell proliferation, tissue-plus. The boundary in academic medicine is anything but unambiguous. Often specialists contradict each other! Namely, when tissue growth has just begun or when it has almost stopped! “Benign” and “malignant” do not exist in biology and in nature! These terms come from the Judaeo-Christian religion.
All of medicine was to be understood religiously.
Previously, we could not understand why tissue would suddenly start to grow. We know from the GERMANISCHE that tissue does not “just simply” grow at will. It is always a case of a brain-guided Significant Biological Special Program of Nature (SBS®).
If you study the tissue of an embryo or the tissue of a presently healing wound under a microscope, you would have to classify them as “malignant”. Enlarged cells and enlarged cell nuclei indicate a lively tissue growth.
Healing callus tissue of bones outside of the periosteum, which we call osteosarcoma, only differs from callus tissue inside the periosteum in that it has emerged through a perforated periosteum (mostly due to artificial puncturing).
Such a thing happens frequently in nature as a so-called “open fracture”, if a biological conflict was involved.
Extraperiosteal osteosarcoma does nothing meaningless. Rather, since the bone is meanwhile unable to heal because the callus continues to flow out, the organism tries to stabilize the bone fracture, hold it stationary, and keep it in place with a surrounding sheath, the osteosarcoma. That we could not understand this before with our narrow-minded, religious “benign” and “malignant” concepts, in no way changes it.
Another example:
During pregnancy, the breast of a woman enlarges, at this time the cells of the milk glands increase in number. Here too, a histological finding could indicate a “malignant” breast cancer.
Exactly as with a woman who is undergoing an active worry-conflict (“malignant” breast cancer). Here also, there is growing milk gland tissue. If the worry-conflict can be solved, then the cell division stops. In this phase, the diagnosis reads, “benign” breast cancer. Then one hears, “...well, that was lucky!”
What is significant with the increase of milk-gland issue (breast cancer)?
More breast glands produce more mothers’ milk. This increase in mother’s milk is now additionally available to the child. Mother Nature wants it to become healthy again, therefore, more food is prepared. For as long as the conflict lasts, the tumour grows. The child can help itself to a “horn of plenty”, and can quickly recuperate! This ancient SBS still had its purpose amongst indigenous native populations. The breast was even given to the partner, if he was ill. That is unimaginable today, but nature is not concerned with how modern (basically unnatural), our life is today.
1 - Please note that this is only a very short version and that you will need extensive knowledge to understand the Germanische Heilkunde®. Besides understanding the system and many important details, it is especially important to study the patient cases in Dr. Hamer's books in order to understand what the GERMANISCHE (GERMANIC) is and how to live in harmony with this knowledge (= the system discovered by Dr. Hamer).