Ewa Leimer - The Author of the Educational Program
Ewa Leimer
Translated by El Glauner

I am a passionate teacher. After graduating from the Pedagogical Institute in Gdańsk, I continued my studies at the Universities of Poznań and Gdańsk, where I received my master's degree. I worked as a teacher in Poland until the end of the school year 1980/81. In 1996, my Polish degree was validated at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Vienna with a diploma in Therapeutic Special Education (after I had to complete an exam), and I was awarded the title of "Master of Philosophy".
During my 30 years as a teacher, both in Poland and Austria, I have always worked directly with children in various educational institutions.
In 1990, I heard the name Dr. Hamer for the first time, and two years later I started reading his books and getting to know Germanische Heilkunde (at that time known as "New Medicine"). Since 1995 I have been translating his writings. I was directly involved in important historical events related to the Germanische Heilkunde. Since 2000, I am focusing on spreading the knowledge of the "Germanic" in Poland.
Already in the 90s I created the first New Medicine website in Polish. Later I created and administered Dr. Hamer's websites (in German) for many years.
Since 2003, I have been actively supported by my friend Bogusław Babol, a computer scientist, who has created an excellent online system, specially designed for our needs.
All of our websites provide free use of important material according to Dr. Hamer's maxim: "Health may not cost anything." This enables as many people as possible to gain fundamental knowledge about the functioning of living organisms. This is, what is so carefully hidden from us by the regime, and withheld from us, especially in medical education.
On my initiative and with Dr. Hamer's support, a Educational Program for the "Germanic" was founded in Poland. On the basis of this program, I regularly hold meetings to pass on this wonderful knowledge. It is very important to me, that we pass on the Germanische Heilkunde® in its original form, as Dr. Hamer left it to us.
Our vision is a community of people around the world, who respect the biological principles of the Germanische Heilkunde in their daily lives, and a system of constitutional states, supporting this community. This is our goal.
In the process of my educational work, the current Educational Program has gradually been developed. This process took several years. All these years, Bogusław worked on the “Online Educational Program”. It took several years to develop the online program to the level it is today. Dr. Hamer used the early part of this software already online, to discuss the computer tomographies, which I sent to him. This was possible thanks to his wife, Bona Hamer, having the computer skills needed for this.
During the Educational Program we will work with the now complete online-program. However, this programme is still being developed.
Today it is called the "Germanische Heilkunde - Educational Program". The first meeting of the new Educational Program took place in Brzeszcze in the building of the city guard.
Gosia and Jurek hosted us at their home for several years each time we stayed in Brzeszcze. At the time, their three sons were still living with them, so there wasn't much space in the flat. But still, Gosia and Jurek offered us their marital bed, and Małgosia always prepared delicious Polish food for us... We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude for this important support.
But we could no longer take advantage of their hospitality in this way. Also, it was very difficult for the participants to find an overnight stay nearby. It was time for a change.... So, we started looking for another place for our meetings.
The last meeting in Brzeszcze in 2011
In the meantime, the graduates who took part in our Educational Program became "independent" and started to "instruct other people in Germanische Heilkunde", which I think should be looked at sceptically...
After Brzeszcz our classes were held in the charming village Skidzin, not far from Auschwitz, located in a beautiful, quiet area. The meetings took place in a small house, in a small "lecture hall". But even here we did not stay long.
In the meantime, Bogusław Babol created an online programme that could be used during our meetings. But the internet connection in Skidzin was poor. Also, the room, which was quite sufficient at first, quickly became too small for the growing number of participants… So we had to start looking for a new meeting place again.
In 2013, we managed to find a suitable place not far from Brzeszcze, near Pszczyna... and I think we can stay here for the time being.
From 2014 we can fully benefit from the internet and the system set up by Bogusław. During our meetings, the participants work on their own laptop and use the online program according to their individual needs. Participants in our program have told us, that the available online exercises help them a lot in mastering the complex knowledge of the "Germanic".
Photos - This is how we work today
Finally, an online programme was created that can be used independently from home. Today, there is no longer a stationary study group in Poland. Instead, I regularly hold online classes for all participants... (with the help of Bogusław's program).
During the online lessons the participants deepen their knowledge and use it to analyse examples I've chosen (according to their level). All this is possible on the basis of the online programme, which is now an indispensable methodological element of our Educational Program.
I would like to point out, that we only work for passing on the knowledge of Germanische Heilkunde. Please understand, that we do not give any individual therapeutic advice.