and the Undermining Methods in the Alternative Media Landscape

In a nutshell:
Dr Hamer had often said that there will be attempts to create a Zweistein – to put it simply, there will be attempts to create and establish a new discoverer of Germanische Heilkunde. Books are already printed where the name of the discoverer of the "Iron Rule of Cancer", (Dr Hamer) is replaced with another one. So this dangerous method of knowledge suppression is already underway. The preparations to destroy the reputation of the genius Dr Hamer are also becoming more intense: defaming and humiliating Dr Hamer, denying his genius and his infinite kindness and helpfulness.

1. What is a Zweistein?
3. The Purpose and Aim of ZWEISTEINs
4. Defamation of Dr Hamer and The Actions of "amenders" or "correctors"
5. Discovery without the Discoverer in the Media
6. P.S. – Now With an App!


1. What is a Zweistein?

Zweistein (a second Einstein, "Twostone") refers to Einstein, who "copied" the equation E=mc² from the Austrian physicist Prof. Dr. Hasenöhrl and thus became famous.
“Zweistein” is the term Dr Hamer uses to warn us against the hostile takeover of his discovery by ZWEISTEINs.

Quote by Dr Hamer (from an Open Letter with the title "Thieves and Robbers"):

This reminds me again of Albert Einstein, who apparently was a math illiterate (it is said that he failed his school-leaving examination because of a 6 [F] in math). His wife, who is said to have stolen the formula E=mc2 from the Austrian physicist professor Hasenöhrl after he fell (?) in the First World War, withheld his name, renamed everything, and used Hasenöhrl's work to help her husband win the Nobel Prize under the name "Einstein's Theory of Relativity".
Apart from this case (which seems very possible to me – after all what I have experienced myself), I have never known anyone to be impudent enough to rename a discovery, to adulterate it and then to commercialise it against the explicit will of the discoverer.

Today, many people no longer follow the news on radio or television. The propaganda is too obvious. To gather or sidetrack these people, an alternative media scene has been built up over the last few decades. Not all of them may fail to be truthful, but a great part is controlled distraction, half-information, misleading information and infiltration of alternative reporting (it's also called Gate Keeper strategy).

More and more people are trying to find alternative information, especially on "health"-related topics. In the clutter of misinformation regarding the GERMANIC (Germanische Heilkunde), unfortunately, only a few people find the source, Dr Hamer's publishing house "Amici di Dirk" ( Apart from professionally designed Internet platforms, which are worthless from the perspective of the Germanic, people can find a lot of superficial and abstruse posts about Dr Hamer's discovery. Therefore it is not surprising that a truly interested person does not want to explore the subject further.

Everything has been done to infiltrate and falsify Germanische Heilkunde and this is how it will continue in the future – we must be aware of this.

Since no one was able to scientifically falsify Dr Hamer's discovery, the withdrawal of his medical licence could not stop him from researching, the assassination attempts failed and imprisoning him twice could not destroy him, other methods had to be found over the years.
In the 90s, they really went for it:

  1. Character assassination: Dr Hamer is insulted and ridiculed in the most vulgar way in public media and portrayed as a criminal.
  2. The media and “colleagues” deliberately fail to mention his academic degrees, Dr med., Cand. theol. (Dr Hamer has never been deprived of his academic degrees!) But everyone else (especially his opponents) claim the titles professor and doctor.
  3. Renaming and misrepresentation of Dr Hamer's discovery in the "alternative media landscape".
    His discovery, Germanische Heilkunde, has been falsified and is being falsified on purpose. It is even distorted by deliberately creating new "medical trends" to such an extent that hardly anyone would think that these trends could have anything to do with Germanische Heilkunde. Dr Hamer is not mentioned at all or only in passing. Examples:
    Meta Medicine, Total Biology, German New Medicine, Psychoneuroimmunology, 5BN, Universal Biology, Next Level, Biology after Hamer, Body-Soul-Biology, BioLogical Healing Knowledge, Germanic Healing Knowledge, Biologika, HealingCancerNaturally, 5 Spiritual Laws of Healing, The Psychic Roots of Disease, Con Ciencia Bio, Disease is different, Neurophysiology in the Sense of Germanische Heilkunde (Loidl), NGM and many more

     – and then there are those who falsify under the old name "New Medicine" or "GNM".
    !! Recently, thieves have begun to pirate Dr Hamer's discovery under the original name "Germanische Heilkunde" – making it almost impossible for newcomers to find their way to Dr Hamer's original in this jungle of plagiarism.

    !! There are even people who claim to be experts or that they were “students” of Dr Hamer. This is not true: (see also Germanische and Medical Doctors).
  4. Renaming the discoverer – creation of a ZWEISTEIN or several ZWEISTEINs. (On the basis of Dr Hamer's many discoveries, one could invent many fake-discoverers).
  5. Dishonoring and denigrating Dr Hamer. The secret agitation and undermining "work" of those who think that they need to correct the genius Dr Hamer. We call them "amenders" or "correctors".
  6. Boycott against Dr Hamer's publishing house, Amici-di-Dirk®.

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Example from a book:
A guy from the USA claims to be the discoverer of the "Iron Rule of Cancer". This is a prime example of a ZWEISTEIN. 

Let's analyse the content of this page to see how lies and truth are mixed to create confusion:

„For a long time, people have assumed that there is a connection between psyche and body in case of illnesses. Conventional medicine has ignored this until now.“
When medical doctors are at a loss when diagnosing a patient they turn to psychosomatics. That's what psychosomatics is for.

„It is only recently that a specialisation has been established that applies this research approach: psychoneuroimmunology.“
Wrong. Research in this field had been going on for decades before Dr Hamer's discovery. A causal relationship was even suspected in ancient cultures. Dr Hamer has also commented on this.

Dr Hamer with his original habilitation thesis.

„In 1981 or 1985 - scholars argue about the year - the first publication of this kind in modern times was published by Robert Ader (USA) with his "Iron Cancer Rule", which reads:“
Brazen fraud. Dr Hamer discovered the "Iron Rule of Cancer" and the "Dirk Hamer Syndrome" in 1981, submitted the discovery as a habilitation thesis (english: "The Hamer-Syndrome and the Iron Rule of Cancer") to the University of Tübingen and it was rejected! It seems ridiculous, but it is dangerous, the way people talk shop here, that the “scholars” still don't quite agree on when the gentleman from the US supposedly “discovered” this. Besides, the 1st Biological Natural Law was slightly changed to the term "Iron Cancer Rule".  

„All cancer or cancer-like diseases are caused by a (...) most severe, highly acute dramatic and isolative conflict experience shock (...)“.
This sentence is almost identical to Dr Hamer's original definition of a DHS but the very term DHS has disappeared and been replaced by parentheses (...). Are we dealing with stupid criminals who have amazingly little imagination to replace DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrome) with, for example, RAS (Robert Ader Syndrome)? It really does seem to be pure lack of creativity, because criminal they are, and they have no scruples about stealing Dr Hamer's “Iron Rule of Cancer.”

„What does this mean in plain language? Cancer always begins with a psychological shock experience."
Once again, they want to integrate psychological thinking into the GERMANIC, which is total nonsense.
Dr Hamer's definition: "Every Significant Biological Special Program of Nature® (SBS) starts with a DHS, i.e. a very severe, highly acute dramatic and isolative conflict experience shock, simultaneously on the three levels: Psyche - Brain - Organ. The DHS is a severe, highly acute, dramatic and isolative conflict shock that catches the individual "on the wrong foot"..."   (see also "Biological Conflict") You can read the actual detailed definition in Dr Hamer's more recent books.

„As soon as the publication came out, mainstream medicine attacked Mr Ader and tore him apart."
In the archive and the German book "Einer gegen alle" you can read how Dr Hamer was torn apart. This was pure criminal terror against Dr Hamer.

„However, it seems that his theory has left its mark on their thinking, as working groups dealing with this topic have been organised at some clinics. Even at the Charité in Berlin…"
We are familiar with this. Pseudo-research everywhere, although Dr Hamer's discovery have been known since 1981. It was confirmed to Dr Hamer by the legal advisor Schwarzkopf (University of Tübingen) that his discovery was examined behind closed doors and proven to be correct. In 1998, the University of Trnava confirmed the 5 Biological Natural Laws of Germanische Heilkunde. In 2005 Joav Merrick (Ben Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, Israel) publicly admits that the 1st and 2nd Biological Natural Laws are recognised.


Dr Hamer already predicts in his 1981 habilitation thesis that it will be rumored that he did not discover the DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrome)!!! The truth is that he made these discoveries all by himself facing the strong opposition of enviers and enemies (legacy).

Quote from Dr Hamer (habilitation thesis 1981):

Even if many colleagues will later claim that the HAMER SYNDROME (DHS) was not discovered by Hamer, but that basically everyone already knew and confirmed it, then one thing is certainly true: the psyche as a personality structure or permanent stress overload has often been linked to cancer. However, no one has ever been able to prove an exact causality or a precise system of how psyche and cancer are connected... The circumstances relating to the death of my son Dirk were the beginning of my observations/research. That's why I named the syndrome DIRK-HAMER-SYNDROME after my son.

With this small but very alarming example, it becomes even clearer that it is crucial to know Dr Hamer's historical documents and make them public. Everyone must be informed about the suppression of knowledge regarding Germanische Heilkunde! They want to rename the discoverer of Germanische Heilkunde by slowly and secretly implanting a false NAME into people's minds, by creating confusion and uncertainty! The example of the Fake DHS Discoverer shows how history is once again being falsified!

At this point we would like to ask you to inform us about any kind of renaming or replacing the discoverer (also in foreign languages) and to send us the reference. This way you can support the original Germanische Heilkunde®️!

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3. The Purpose and Aim of ZWEISTEINs

Dr Hamer has also made clear statements about this. Quote from Dr Hamer:

The resistance to Germanic New Medicine®️, and especially against me, always comes to world over from the same quarter, namely, from the ranks of those who steal the Germanic New Medicine and pretend to have discovered it for themselves.
Their intention is that the pure GERMANIC should only be available to “the chosen ones”, and the broken up, mixed and adulterated GERMANIC to "the common people".

In other words, an official Zweistein would "rediscover" the Germanic for the common people and "the chosen ones" would continue to practise pure GERMANIC only this is no longer feasible due to Dr Hamer's steadfast resistance. Now they are working on SPLITTING the Germanic into many small parts, for which many ZWEISTEINs are created, see the example above.

In brief:
They intend to reduce the world population by continuing the use of chemotherapy and morphine. Furthermore, those responsible for the deaths caused by “treatment” (chemo, morphine, surgery, vaccination, etc.) and pandemics want to get off scot-free there should be no consequences for them. But this is of course not possible WITH Dr Hamer as the discoverer of Germanische Heilkunde.

Quote from Dr Hamer (letter to Lanka 2006):

Don't you realise, Stefan, that if we had honest judges – which we don't have – hundreds of thousands of mass murderers would be behind bars for the rest of their lives, including their accomplices; professors, judges, politicians, editors-in-chief, media-makers etc. etc.?

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4. Defamation of Dr Hamer and The Actions of "amenders" or "correctors"

In brief:
If a discoverer is no longer taken seriously due to increasing defamation and humiliation, especially in the alternative media landscape, it is certainly much easier to replace his name with another (ZWEISTEINe).

An example of how Dr Hamer is slandered:

The statements made by Lanka in the video above are several years old, but they have not changed to this day. In recent lectures, Stefan Lanka even labeled Dr Hamer as a racist with paranoia. "Signals" instead of "Hamer Foci = HH" or "trauma" instead of "DHS" are just a few examples of his misrepresentation. He wants to sell his own version of Germanische Heilkunde to his audience as "Biology after Hamer". He has a large audience in German-, Spanish- and English-speaking countries – keep that in mind.

Since Dr Hamer can no longer defend himself and due to a large number of videos in the "alternative scene" in which Dr Hamer is denigrated as a racist, we have prepared a video to show the crime Dr Hamer has been fighting against until the end of his life.

Triggering content, potentiallydisturbing content !

The backbiters and "amenders" (know-it-alls) from the so-called "alternative scene" dare to question Dr Hamer's discoveries by trying to "correct" the greatest genius of all time (= adapt his discoveries to their ideas = falsify them). This means that they add or remove content without being able to verify their “improvements”.

An example: "At first glance, my understanding of illness and healing looks very similar to that of the well-known and controversial physician Dr Ryke [Geerd] Hamer. However, he overlooked and failed to realise some aspects..."

This "amender" allows his imagination to run wild and finally replaces Conflictolysis with his M. Quant. Did we spot the ZWEISTEIN for Conflictolysis?

Perhaps there are indeed some ZWEISTEIN candidates among the "correctors"? The hunt for the biggest and most lucrative slice of the Germanic has certainly already begun.

!! There are even books in several languages about Dr Hamer which, right from the title, suspects him insane and question his genius! If this is not globally organised slander, then what is it? Dr Hamer, who discovered all by himself, who never charged his patients, who was robbed of his property and who, despite terror, psychoterror and torture, did not abandon the Germanic – is being defamed by the worst kind of mockery. These are soulless spawns, the calculations of ice-cold creatures of this life-despising junk society.

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5. Discovery without the Discoverer in the Media

They use the terminology of the Germanic, and pretend that it is common knowledge – WITHOUT MENTIONING THE NAME OF THE DISCOVERER. After all, they want to invent a new discoverer(s) and let him appear out of nowhere.

Example German television, SWR:

Example BILD newspaper:

Quote from Bild newspaper (Germany):

According to 'Science Daily", the researchers at Ben Gurion University in Tel Aviv asked 255 breast cancer patients and 367 healthy control persons about their attitude to life and drastic experiences that had made them particularly happy or depressed.
The result: a particularly painful experience increased the risk of developing breast cancer by as much as 60 percent.

Dr Hamer then wrote a letter to the Bild newspaper:

Quote from Dr Hamer:


Is the Germanic New Medicine about to be legalised or should it soon be called Ben Gurion Medicine or Israeli Medicine?

We are happy for the clever Israeli researchers who have found that conflict shocks often cause breast cancer in women.

Now everyone can understand why I was subjected to unprecedented character assassination for 27 years: "miracle healer, charlatan, lock him up, beat him to death..." Now everyone understands why I was imprisoned and why they tried to force me to undergo psychiatric treatment because I was supposedly crazy enough to believe – and even to prove 30 times – that conflict shocks cause cancer.

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6. P.S. – Now With an App!

For a long time, we have been observing the renaming and falsification of the GERMANIC to the point of being completely modified.

However, more recently they began to simplify the Germanic so everyone can understand it. What does that mean? They want to make people believe that they are too stupid to understand what Dr Hamer has written in his books. In other words: "Germanische Heilkunde for dummies." Is it appropriate to have such an opinion of other people?

Right from the start, people learn that the most difficult part of the Germanic is learning a few medical terms. However, everyone can memorize them gradually and they are by no means the most important thing for understanding the Germanic. The new way of thinking – biological thinking – is a big obstacle for most people and is – due to indoctrination from an early age – much more difficult to learn. You have to be able to reflect and learn to implement this biological thinking in your own life. Offering "GERMANIC for laymen" makes people even more dependent on physicians or therapists. The truth is, there is none – Dr Hamer is "no longer with us"!

Those who do not understand this are still trapped in old indoctrination, which has been beaten into the heads of previous generations for centuries, that a SAVIOR or a REDEEMER will help the laymen (the poor sinners) in exchange for an obolus to be paid (indulgence, subscription, etc.).

These doctrines, no matter which ones, lurk in every corner of our lives, in the most inconspicuous hiding places of our minds and souls.

Even people who consider themselves awakened are fooled by words they want to hear and things that are comfortable to them. Many fall for this facade, as people respond to familiar things and want to have their wishes fulfilled quickly – but the content is again nothing but deliberate misdirection, which can be used to gain as much profit as possible.

In brief:
To make it easy for everyone, the Germanic Heilkunde knowledge is now available on your smartphone. Many people find it practical to use their smartphones for everything. But that's not very smart.

The abstruse idea of being able to find and resolve a conflict by mouse click has nothing to do with the Germanic and nothing to do with sovereignty. The old medical mindset of "there's a remedy for every ailment" or "tell me what it is if I have a corn on my left foot" belongs to the past. Instead, business plans are prepared and everyone wants to be number one. (For clarification and raising awareness, a historical video document: Dr Hamer on futures "medical doctors")

  • How is a phone app or podcast supposed to "help" in case of an SBS?
  • How is a social media chat with people you don't know at all supposed to support a person who needs immediate care or support from a friend in an SBS?
  • Do independent and self-reliant persons pay for and subscribe to a service that is useless anyway?

The henchmen for the smear job and ZWEISTEIN candidates have no scruples in selling the stolen, falsified discovery (the "lightened"💰 GERMANIC for goyim) to everyone at any opportunity.
There are various business models for: the intellectual, the esoteric , the lateral thinker, the new age ideologist, the dissatisfied with the system, young and old, etc.

  • Regarding the image (smartphone): Colors reflect the systematics of Germanische Heilkunde. Gray (for cerebellum) is not original from Dr Hamer (that means the loss of the systematics)! + Typical tactic of the thieves to avoid being accused of copyright infringement.


In the end we are ON OUR OWN!!! As long as we have to exist under this inhumane death regime, this will not change. Everything else is window dressing.

!!The destructive aspect of these numerous offers is the purely medical approach. Basically, it's just about offering help, because people only want to get rid of their symptoms or pain. Nobody talks about the fact that the junk society we live in makes it almost impossible to recover from an SBS biologically and that the damage this causes cannot be undone – especially not with an app or advice via chat. "Let me give you some tips" – is the message. Books could be filled describing the damage caused by junk society. The crimes committed before birth alone are a human tragedy – disabled from birth by junk society. Mothers either are unable or unwilling to follow biological behavior and are not even aware of the dangerous effects of this junk society!!

In brief:
The medical approach distracts from the fact that our junk society is the fundamental problem and is responsible for non-biological SBS and a disabled population at an early age.

We need to learn and internalize THE ENTIRE SYSTEMATICS of Germanische Heilkunde! If something is MISSING or added ("corrected"), this sacred, life-saving and life-giving knowledge is USELESS!

It took years for the greatest genius of all time, our Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer, to discover what he left us. Perseverance, diligence, patience, intuition, farsightedness... are qualities you need in order to acquire the Germanische Heilkunde knowledge and pass it on to your children.

Your own life and the future of humanity depend on this!

The Germanic IS THE ONLY basis we can build and rebuild on, because a viable, sustainable society is only possible if biological interrelationships are taken into account. Living against Nature inevitably leads to the extinction of the living species. Nature always wins, even if "civilized" man may see it differently.

With Germanische Heilkunde, life flourishes – and living against nature finally comes to an end.

Quote from Dr Hamer:

In this spiritual moonscape, Germanische Heilkunde will guide us back to our intuitive, individual abilities, to the natural-biological coexistence of all living beings, which we lost.

Stay confident! Viva la Medicina Sagrada®!

Germanische Heilkunde THING
June 1, 2023


Dealing with the topic "Defamation of Dr Hamer and Distorting of Dr Hamer's discovery" is more important today than ever.

If it would "only" be the public media that defames and criminalize Germanische Heilkunde, it could be very likely that the pure, unadulterated Germanische Heilkunde could become widespread, making social and political change inevitable.

To prevent such a change, NUMEROUS PLAGIATES and REPRESENTATIVES of these plagiates have been around for decades (both in German and in other languages), to prevent people from studying the ORIGINAL WRITINGS of Dr Hamer in detail.

They do not have the problem

  • that their copied books could be falsified by translation. Who cares about that?
  • nor do they lack financial resources to translate the falsified and illegally copied books.

The entire counterfeiting business with the Germanische Heilkunde is organized globally.

The SECRET falsification is even more dangerous than the reputation damage done by the mass media.

It is a common practice that the representatives and inventors of the falsified Germanische Heilkunde or the agents for the MISREPRESENTATION of the GERMANIC do not inform about the suppression of knowledge and who is responsible for it – on the contrary, they even claim that Dr Hamer is wrong when he mentions the responsible parties.

Of course, it is unpleasant to learn about the political and social evils and never-ending crimes. For some people these things are very upsetting, dramatic!

Whether you deal with it or not – the crime continues and is committed against each and every one of us!

Would it therefore not be wise to face the facts in order to find out

  • how we can protect ourselves from (hidden) dangers and how we can PROTECT our children
  • how mind control has been practiced for thousands of years and how deeply we are manipulated ourselves
  • who is really responsible for suppressing the Germanische Heilkunde so that we can NAVIGATE and avoid the traps and falsehoods they confront us with every day
  • how Germanische Heilkunde can help us to build a new society that takes biological relationships into account
  • how we can learn to find our way back to a natural-biological coexistence of all living beings
  • how we can build a society that nurtures and supports our intuitive, individual abilities?

How can we expect a change if we cannot see the global crime and admit to ourselves that we trusted the propaganda (including the half-truths of various alternatives)?

Of course, it could also be that there is no desire for change and that people only want to get rid of their own unpleasant physical symptoms.
!! That would again lead to medical repair shop thinking, which is useless and has nothing to do with the Germanische Heilkunde.

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