The Discoverer and Master of GERMANISCHE HEILKUNDE®
Dr. Hamer's Birthday 2024
Once again this year, we met at Dr Hamer's grave to commemorate his birthday, share the unforgettable experiences that many of us had with him and sing a few songs that he would certainly have sung with us during his lifetime. Of course, Mein Studentenmädchen was not to be missed.
Even though it rained that day and many umbrellas were open, we spent the anniversary together in a cheerful and festive atmosphere.
It has almost become a tradition for us to enjoy a speech by Volker on this occasion, which he held, as always, with great dignity towards Dr Hamer and encouraged us to spend our lives in harmony with Germanische Heilkunde and to pass it on to everyone who is interested.
Michaela read us moving words from Andrée in which she expressed her heartfelt dedication to Dr Hamer – and her respect for his discovery and his great human kindness.
After the ceremonies at the cemetery, we met in the neighbouring village for a good meal together, during which we had plenty of time to chat and/or get to know each other.
We spent a wonderful day full of gratitude to Dr Hamer and his Germanische Heilkunde.
The working group, 17 May 2024
Andrée Sixt on Dr. Hamer's 89th Birthday
17 May 1935 - 17 May 2024
Dearest Geerd
Andrée, your sister at heart, joins your wife and all your friends gathered to celebrate your birthday today.
Dear Geerd, you are eternal in our hearts and we thank you for the most precious gift you have left us with Germanische Heilkunde® to save us and our humanness. Germanische Heilkunde® continues its path and mission in fidelity, truth and love.
Dear Geerd, we miss you dearly.
Your hospitality, your knowledge, your smile, your humor, your generosity, your availability and your kindness are still present in us.
In heavenly light, with Dirk, your son, Sigrid, your wife, and everyone you loved, you are watching over us and accompanying us, we are sure of that. Thank you.
Geerd, we love you.
For more than 40 years we are dreaming: Germanische Heilkunde will triumph, when the crocuses are in bloom.
Volker’s Speech at the Gravesite in Erlangen, 2024
We are gathered here for the 89th birthday of our dearly beloved GEERD. The first feelings that always come to mind when we remember his loss are grief, farewell and emptiness. How would things go on without him?
Now, after seven years, we stand here feeling gratitude more than anything. We feel grateful that we were lucky to have shared a part of our lives with him; grateful that we were given the opportunity to get to know him in person and that we learned the Germanische directly from him; grateful that we had the chance to witness numerous patient cases in the seminar classes. Thus, the mourning is becoming lighter and lighter, while the gratitude is becoming ever deeper.
A brief review and my thoughts on this.
Dr. Hamer met Sigrid, the love of his life, while he was still a student. The fact that Sigrid was his one and only love is reflected in the little song “Mein Studentenmädchen”, which he composed and wrote for her on their 20th wedding anniversary. This song vibrates in the basic rhythm of nature and plays a major role in the Germanische Heilkunde.
They had four children. A happy, carefree time followed. Until their son Dirk was shot by the wild-eyed Prince of Savoy. During the months of suffering that followed, there were many conversations ... loving conversations between Geerd, Sigrid and Dirk - encouraging, hope-inducing conversations. When Dirk laid in Geerd's arms in life-or-death struggle, they were bond in unconditional love with each other. In this unconditional love, the “telepathic window” can open up. It is just in this moment that the two souls can communicate with each other. Dr. Hamer processed these impressions in the days, months and years that followed.
As an enthusiastic doctor, with his loving and grateful manner not only towards Sigrid and Dirk but also towards his countless patients, characterize him and the GERMANISCHE HEILKUNDE, at that time still the Neue Medizin (New Medicine).
Ewa once said: “Geerd loved the people.” Oh yes, Geerd always treated people with love and respect. But he was all too often let down by his supposed friends who surrounded him. There were many who recognized the potential of the GERMANISCHE HEILKUNDE and sensed big business in it. As a result, he was often heavily disappointed by his closest “friends” and acquaintances.
Spain: Hotel Torremolinos, 2001
Dr. Hamer euphorically presented his new scientific chart. And it arrived at this seminar “just in time” delivered by his employee “Bonita”. But just as he was about to introduce his new staff member, Bona, she had already disappeared.
In the time that followed, it was wonderful to see how she became part of his life. It was adorable to see a person at his side he could absolutely rely on. So today, as Geerd's wife and heir, Bona runs his publishing house, which represents the GERMANISCHE HEILKUNDE, thus his legacy. Just as Dr. Hamer always had a handful of dear people around him, Bona today also has a handful of dear people around her who support her and help her. Everything is going Dr. Hamer's planned path.
Dr. Hamer had a dream: The Germanische would triumph when the crocuses bloom, the colorful crocuses. In this dream, the colorful crocus, which break through the hard snow cover in yet cold winter days heralding spring time, stood symbolically for a new awakening of nature...for a new era.
Dr. Hamer time and time again founded New Medicine centers and clinics for his patients and, more recently, he even founded a university1 (clinic). However, everything was denied to him, the state authority made it always impossible for him to work. And I personally think that today a center of any kind, where pure healing is really practiced, is unthinkable without Dr. Hamer.
Dear friends, there is a star shining above all grand dreams. This star might not always be visible, but it is always there. For Geerd, this dream was the spread of the GERMANISCHE HEILKUNDE and sure enough, a guiding star will enlighten this dream. At the end of every seminar, he asked all people to help spread the Germanische. Whoever becomes HEALED (Heil-) should make it KNOWN (-kunde): HEILKUNDE.
So today I call on you once again: “Help spreading the Germanische.” Help us! Please support the Germanische! No matter if you lose friends along the way. Tell your relatives and friends about the Germanische. Those friends you lose because you support the Germanische would never have helped you in a time of trouble. Everyone as they can ... For example, Ewa with her educational program, Bona with the publishing house, the working group with the original website, the translations, the Telegram channel etc, etc.
Each one according to his or her ability. They all do an honest, sincere job. And I'm sure we are being supported. I am absolutely sure of that.
With gratitude, your Volker.
1 - University of Sandefjord: Dr. Hamer's dream was always to help his patients in the best possible way and to practice the GERMANIC freely in a clinic and conduct research. After several attempts to do so in Germany and Austria (see “Einer gegen alle, One against all”), he applied for his medical license to be restored in his last exile in Norway. After a long court case, however, he did not obtain his medical license again.
The “Sandefjord University” project could therefore not be realized (although it was also registered in the Norwegian “Enhetsregisteret”), which is why Dr. Hamer never had the opportunity to teach “integer Heilkundige” (as we call the future doctors practicing Germanische Heilkunde) and conduct research in a university hospital.

Con motivo del 89° cumpleaños del Dr. med. mag. theol. Ryke Geerd Hamer
Palabras de Volker Welte en el cementerio de Erlangen
17 de mayo de 2024
Estamos aquí de nuevo reunidos con motivo del 89° cumpleaños de nuestro querido GEERD.
Los primeros sentimientos que siempre nos vienen a la mente al recordar su partida son la tristeza, el abandono, el vacío. ¿Cómo sería en adelante sin él?
Ahora, después de siete años, estamos aquí sintiendo sobre todo gratitud. Nos sentimos agradecidos por haber tenido la suerte de compartir una parte de nuestras vidas con él. Agradecidos por haber tenido la oportunidad de conocerle en persona y de haber aprendido la Germánica directamente de él. Agradecidos por haber tenido la oportunidad de presenciar en seminarios numerosos casos de pacientes.
Así pues, el desconsuelo es cada vez más leve, y la gratitud cada vez más profunda.
Un breve repaso y mis reflexiones al respecto:
El Dr. Hamer conoció a Sigrid, el amor de su vida, cuando era estudiante. Que Sigrid fue su único amor se refleja en la pequeña canción «Mein Studentenmädchen», que compuso y escribió para ella en su vigésimo aniversario de boda. Esta canción vibra en el ritmo básico de la naturaleza y desempeña un papel importante en la Germánica.
Tuvieron cuatro hijos y una época feliz y tranquila hasta que su hijo Dirk fue abatido por los disparos del salvaje príncipe de Saboya. Durante los meses de sufrimiento que siguieron hubo muchas conversaciones entre Geerd, Sigrid y Dirk, conversaciones llenas de amor, aliento y esperanza.
Cuando Dirk yacía en los brazos de Geerd debatiéndose entre la vida y la muerte ambos estaban unidos por un amor incondicional. Este amor incondicional abre la «ventana telepática» y las dos almas se comunican entre sí. Impresiones que el Dr. Hamer fue procesando y desarrollando en los días, meses y años posteriores.
Médico entusiasta, una gran sabiduría y un trato cariñoso y agradecido tanto con Sigrid y Dirk como con sus innumerables pacientes, le caracterizan a él y a la GERMÁNICA, por aquel entonces todavía la Nueva Medicina.
Ewa dijo una vez: «Geerd amaba a la gente». Oh sí, Geerd siempre trataba a la gente con amor y respeto. Pero demasiado a menudo se sentía defraudado por los supuestos amigos. Hubo muchos que reconocieron el potencial de la GERMÁNICA e intuyeron un gran negocio en ella. Y por eso, a menudo se vio muy decepcionado por “amigos” y gente cercana.
España: Hotel Torremolinos, 2001.
El Dr. Hamer presentó eufórico su nueva tabla científica, que había llegado al seminario «justo a tiempo» gracias a su empleada «Bonita». Pero justo cuando iba a presentar a su nueva empleada, Bona, ésta ya había desaparecido.
En el tiempo que siguió, fue encantador ver cómo ella pasó a formar parte de su vida. Fue estupendo ver a una persona a su lado en la que se podía confiar ciegamente. Así que hoy, como esposa y heredera de Geerd, Bona dirige su editorial que representa la GERMÁNICA, su legado. Al igual que el Dr. Hamer siempre tuvo un puñado de personas queridas a su alrededor, hoy Bona también tiene un puñado de personas queridas a su alrededor que la apoyan y la ayudan. Todo va por el camino deseado por el Dr. Hamer.
El Dr. Hamer soñó que la GERMÁNICA triunfará cuando florezcan los crocus, los coloridos crocus. En este sueño los crocus, que se abren paso a través de la dura capa de nieve en los fríos días de invierno anunciando la llegada de la primavera, representaban simbólicamente un nuevo despertar de la naturaleza... una nueva era. Así también, la GERMÁNICA da paso a una nueva forma de pensar, un nuevo acercamiento a la naturaleza, una nueva era.
El Dr. Hamer creó centros de Nueva Medicina y clínicas para sus pacientes y, más recientemente, incluso una universidad. Sin embargo, todo se le negó siempre, la autoridad estatal se lo imposibilitó. Y pienso que actualmente sigue siendo imposible un centro, del tipo de que sea, donde realmente se practique la Gemánica pura.
Queridos amigos, hay una estrella por encima de todos los sueños. Esta estrella no siempre es visible, pero siempre está ahí. Para Geerd, su sueño era la difusión de la GERMÁNICA y seguramente una buena estrella ilumina este sueño. Al final de cada seminario, pedía a todos que ayudaran a difundir la GERMÁNICA. Quien se sane (Heil-) debe hacerlo conocer (kunde): GERMÁNICA HEILKUNDE.
Así que hoy os hago un llamamiento una vez más: «Ayudad a difundir la GERMÁNICA». ¡Ayudadnos! No importa si perdéis amigos en el camino. Hablad a vuestros familiares y conocidos sobre la GERMÁNICA. Los amigos que se pierden por apoyar a la GERMÁNICA nunca te habrían ayudado en un momento de apuro. Cada uno como pueda... Por ejemplo, Ewa con su programa educativo, Bona con la editorial, el grupo de trabajo con la página web original, las traducciones, el canal de Telegram, etc. etc.
Cada uno según su capacidad. Todos hacen un trabajo honesto y sincero. Y seguro que tenemos apoyo. Estoy absolutamente seguro de ello.
Con gratitud, vuestro Volker.