Dr. Hamer on AIDS
German Programme Brisant - ARD 1995
Austrian Live Broadcast - ORF 1995

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer spoke on Austrian Live Broadcast and on German Television about what AIDS actually is. In the 2nd edition of his book "AIDS, the disease that does not exist" (in German) he writes:

In 1983, Montagnier and Gallo, both Jewish researchers, developed a test that was in itself completely ridiculous. A test for an antigen-antibody reaction, as seen in hay fever, food allergies, nut allergies, etc. – in this case, an allergy to smegma.
It is important to know that smegma is produced under the foreskin of the penis. The smegma-producing cells are endodermal, i.e. old intestinal cell progenies. The biological purpose of smegma is to keep the glans moist so that it can slide into the vagina.

When circumcising the foreskin, which is biologically absolutely idiotic, i.e. by cutting away the whole foreskin, including the nerve plexus, on the underside of the penis, the smegma is missing and the glans practically always remains dry. The nerve plexus on the underside of the penis is also missing, so that the circumcised man is sensory castrated.

Subtitles in Spanish, Polish, Russian, Danish, Norwegian, Czech

There are 3 big lies in medicine, which are even bigger and worse than the other 5000 hypotheses of so-called conventional medicine.

  1. Cancer and chemo lie
  2. HIV /Aids lie (smegma allergy)
  3. Swine flu lie (chip injection)

August 2009 was the turning point for the whole AIDS scam. Until then nobody could prove a "Hi-Virus". They simply claimed that there was one. And on the basis of this lie millions of people were destroyed and killed especially in Black Africa.
…besides the ‘negative proof' "there is no hi-virus at all" now we have the resounding, compelling ‘positive’ proof':
"Aids is just a smegma allergy track".

"AIDS is a big hoax which can be used to kill anyone and any number of people (by AZT=Chemo). When I revealed this well-kept secret in a live interview with Styrian Radio in 1995, I received ½ hour later an arrest warrant for 20 years in Austria."

Copyright by Dr. med. Ryke Geerd Hamer

Live radio broadcast mentioned by Dr. Hamer in the video above

In 2010, Dr. Hamer held an interview with a German reporter in Sandefjord/Norway. He also recorded this interview privately. In the second part of this interview he again speaks out clearly what AIDS is and tells us who does not get AIDS, and how it is with children.


AIDS was only the preliminary stage of the mas(k)querade which today serves to force humanity into total slavery and dependence. Dr. Hamer:

"Already in 1987, when the scaremongering on "AIDS" was about to reach its peak, I wrote in my book "Vermächtnis einer Neuen Medizin" ("Legacy of a New Medicine") that "AIDS" is the biggest hoax of our time..."

At that time, the doctors, apart from a few, were very silent and gutless; today, the Corona hoax is affecting even them.
Apparently, most "Corona opponents" have no idea that viruses don't exist at all. It's a tragedy, because if people would know that, i. e. really understand that on the basis of Dr. Hamer's findings, then such a fatal and criminal masquerade could not have been pushed through at all.
Do we need a mask exemption? No, we have to let go of the BELIEF that there are viruses and that nature (microbes, "diseases") is malignant and this is only possible through KNOWLEDGE (really understand the knowledge of Germanic Heilkunde).

Comment: Thing 2021

Translated by Ela Faulkner & El Glauner

Celia Farber is a journalist who startet reasearching AIDS in 1986. She is the author of the book Serious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History of AIDS and author of following ⇢ article about AZT, one of the most toxic, expensive, and controversial drugs in the history of medicine. She wrote and edited a monthly column in Spin titled "Words From the Front" from 1987 to 1995.
