by Dr. med. Ryke Geerd Hamer
The Language of Germanische Heilkunde® - The new Terminology
In order to avoid misunderstandings from the start, it is very important to explain the language and especially the terminology of the Germanische Heilkunde® (formerly: New Medicine, Germanic New Medicine®). Given the entirely new perspective and the terminology developing from it, language problems may arise between the current medicine and Germanische Heilkunde®.
The nomenclature in conventional medicine to date is no longer able to differentiate between facts and hypothesis-based prognosis due to the dogmatized hypotheses. Therefore, we cannot adopt the nomenclature in this way in many areas. In Germanische Heilkunde® we have to create a NEW nomenclature, a NEW terminology - a completely NEW language!
CONTENT: Dirk Hamer Syndrome (DHS), Biological Conflict, Conflict content, Conflict mass, Significant Biological Special Program of Nature (SBS), ca-phase, Conflictolysis (CL), pcl-phase (healingphase), epi-crisis, Hamerscher Herd (HH - Hamer Focus), Tracks, Sympathicotonia and Vagotonia
Dirk Hamer Syndrome see DHS
Biological Conflict
This is any conflict that has been initiated by a DHS® strike, it works this way for man and any other mammal. Biological Conflicts should be understood in terms of developmental history (ontogenetic, phylogenetic), as archaic conflicts, which are basically the same for both man and animal. Unlike humans, the animal reacts to these conflicts in a natural, real way. For example, when we talk about morsel-conflict1, in case of animals it is always about a specific, real morsel, a piece of food that, for example, cannot be swallowed. On the other hand, material value can be a "morsel" for a man, e.g. winning a lottery.
See also Code-Behaviour - The Basis of Biological Conflicts. (not translated yet)
1 - translater’s note: Dr. Hamer refers to it as “Brocken-Konflikt”
Conflict content
The Biological Conflicts are all archaic conflicts, affecting both humans and animals in an analogous way. Previously, we thought that only so-called "psychological conflicts", i.e. psychological problems, were important, but we were wrong. It is the Biological Conflicts only that transform and change the brain, both in man and animal. The naming of the conflict contents attests to the fact that these conflicts must be virtually "inter-animal", at least for "us mammals".
Animals, our fellow creatures, suffer these conflicts in a very real sense, whereas man does so mostly in a transposed sense (e.g. often in a verbal way). Basically, there has always been a common biological language between man and animal (especially the mammal). This is born out by the fact that humans are often closely attached to dogs, horses or cows, communicating and experiencing them as almost human. We suffer the same type of conflict whether a human partner or a dog partner dies. A young sick dog can activate a mother-child conflict for the woman, who, if right-handed, may suffer left breast cancer. Inversely, animals suffer conflicts for humans as partners as well. I hope that this knowledge and understanding of the conflict contents will eventually open a new era of relationship between man and animal, away from the dreadful perception of animal as object that has resulted in the terrible extermination of many rare animal species and the totally unnecessary experiments on animals that are a disgrace to all humanity.
Conflict mass
The conflict mass is calculated as the product of conflict intensity and conflict duration. The conflict mass is the deciding factor for the survival of an individual in the healing phase (e.g. heart attack). One phenomenon is responsible for the fact that hardly any conflict mass can build up: the schizophrenic constellation.
Significant Biological Special Program of Nature see SBS
After the impact of DHS, the first phase of a Significant Biological Special Program of Nature (SBS); the phase of biological conflict activity, it is also called constant sympathicotonia, or the phase of a continuous day - CA. The role of the vegetative nervous system: the predominance of the sympathetic nerve (lat. Truncus sympathicus, the sympathetic trunks, sympathetic chain). Visible symptoms of this phase are mydriasis, tachycardia, hyperhidrosis, gastric hypoacidia, paralytic intestinal damage, etc. By academic medicine they are generally referred to as sympathetic nervous system disorders (shakiness of the sympathetic nervous system).
Additional visible symptoms: cold skin and limbs, insomnia, lack of appetite. These facts were recorded correctly but there was lack of understanding of their causes.
Visible symptoms on the cerebral plane: HH® - Hamer Focus has the appearance of clear targets (German: ”Schießscheiben”).
Symptoms on the plane of the psyche: the conflict is a constant object of thought, the content of the conflict literally "haunts" the individual.
Symptoms on the plane of the organ: "tumour" - cell proliferation in organs controlled by the old brain, and tissue loss occurs in organs controlled by the new brain (e.g. necrosis, ulceration).
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Conflictolysis (CL)
Conflict resolution, termination of the ca-phase. The moment when the vegetative system "switches" FROM the sympathicotonic phase to continuous vagotonia. In other words, the changing moment from the rhythm of the continuous day to the rhythm of the continuous night, the changing moment from a state of constant stress to a state of rest, peace.
See also conflict resolution in chapter Germanische and Animals.
Post-conflictolytic phase: pcl-phase begins with conflictolysis and ends with renormalization or normotony. At the peak point of this vagotonic pcl-phase, also called the continuous night phase, we find the Epileptic/Epileptoid Crisis (EK).
- Brain: oedematized dissolution of the sharply defined target ring configuration of the HH from the ca-phase (oedemrings, intra- and perifocal oedema of the HAMER Focus).
- Psyche: the conflict is no longer an issue.
- Organ:
- In the new-brain: cerebral cortex (except SBS with functional impairment) - controlled and cerebral medulla - controlled organs: cell proliferation for tissue restitution,
- In the old-brain - controlled organs: tumour decomposition by microbes = fungi and mycobacteria = TB (tubercle).
All microbes that we know of, without exception, work in this pcl-phase, not earlier and not later. In other words: If we lack the appropriate microbes, such as TB (tubercle), during the pcl-phase, the compact tumour remains undegraded and tissues are not serous degraded. Tubercle mycobacteria multiply in ca-phase and if the organism receives them only in pcl-phase, after conflictolysis, they are no longer useful in the course of this SBS for the compact tumours degradation. It can only be of use for a later compact tumour degradation. In this case, however, the old compact tumours that have existed already, remain.
First half of pcl-phase = pcl-phase A - initial edematous part of pcl-phase = exudative phase:
Characteristics of the pcl-phase A:
- Compulsive dwelling stops; relief; feeling of well-being
- Vagotonia; expansion of peripheral blood vessels (warm hands and feet); decrease of blood pressure together with increase of blood vessel volume; good appetite; good metabolism; weight gain
- Edema deposits both on the organ and in the brain (edematous HH); large edema with “syndrome” (water retention due to kidney collective tubule SBS in ca-phase); large brain edema was previously called edematous “brain tumour”
- Decrease (below normal) of sympathicotonic parameters of thyroxine, ACTH, cortisol and adrenaline
- Tumour breakdown of old brain controlled organs with tuberculosis (TB) during the natural recovery phase
- No cell breakdown of mid brain controlled smooth muscle tissue: after collon tumour, clonic hyperactivity, so-called colic, of the entire intestinal musculature (=smooth musculature)
- Replenishment of necrosis of cerebral medulla controlled organs
- Replenishment of ulcers of cerebral cortex controlled organs and functional normalisation of “cortex controlled organs without ulcers”
Second half of pcl-phase = pcl-phase B - edema receding, restitutive scar formation phase:
Characteristics of the pcl-phase B:
- Compulsive thinking during epileptic/epileptoid crisis stops; relief; feeling of well-being
- Again vagotonia on all levels but of a slightly different quality: warm extremities; expansion of blood vessels, low blood pressure, good appetite, good metabolism, weight gain
- Continuation of increased urine elimination which had started during the epileptic/epileptoid crisis
- Slow dissolving of edematous rings around the HH in the brain (HGH - Hamerscher Gehirn Herd) as well as of the edema on the organ (HOH, Hamerscher Organ Herd); flushing out of the edema; weight gain less the released water
- Striated musculature: restoration of muscle function / contracting ability from epileptic crisis on
- Smooth musculature: local increase of muscle mass (built during eplileptic crisis) remains even after completion of pcl-phase. Increased peristalsis of the remaining intestinal musculature (diarrhoea). Afterwards normalisation of peristalsis.
- Slow decrease of sympathicotonic parameters, of thyroxine, ACTH, cortisol and adrenaline
- Restitutive scar formation of previous tumour, necrosis or ulcer
epi-crisis (EK)
Epileptic crisis: = epileptic tonic-clonic seizure, peak point of vagotonia in the pcl-phase after a motoric conflict. The epileptic crisis is the transition point to renormalisation, which, however, is only reached at the end of the pcl-phase. The epileptic crisis is a quasi physiological and obligatory conflict relapse in the middle of the pcl-phase, almost imaginary. In this epileptic crisis, the patient relives in fast motion his entire Biological Conflict of the conflict-active phase (ca-phase). In this way the organism achieves that the oedemas are squeezed out and the renormalization (with diuresis phase) can be initiated.
Characteristics of the Epileptic Crisis:
- Patient relives the entire conflict in fast motion
- So called “cold days”, frequently with shivers and narrowing of peripheral blood vessels ("cold periphery")
- Striated musculature: tonic, clonic, or tonic-clonic epileptic attack (cramps, spasm, seizure). This sympathicotonic epileptic crisis differs from the sympathicotonic condition of the ca-phase, e.g., paralysis. Epileptic crisis: hyperactivity of the striated musculature
- Smooth musculature: first, increased (sympathicotone) muscle-tonus at the location of the colon-ca with decreased or no peristalsis in any other parts of the intestine (often misdiagnosed as paralytic ileus or intestinal occlusion); afterwards (after Epileptic Crisis) increased clonic peristalsis in the entire intestine
- Increased urine elimination, so called - “peepee phase” or “urinary phase”, which reaches into the restitutive scar formation phase.
Epileptoid crisis: Apart from the motoric biological conflicts that have an epileptic crisis in the pcl-phase, basically all diseases of the entire medical field have an epileptoid crisis. Epileptoid means: epileptic-like. In epileptoid crises, there are no tonic-clonic seizures as in motoric conflicts, but each biological type of conflict and disease has its own specific type of epileptoid crisis. For example, the epileptoid crisis consists in the pcl-phase following a sensory separation conflict in the Absence. The same applies to the biological (brutal) separation conflicts with the painful addition of periosteal-sensory conflicts. A typical epileptoid crisis of the territorial conflict with ulcers at the coronary artery (gill arch descendant, ectodermal!) is the Heart Attack, whereby we distinguish between the periinsular right-cerebral controlled left heart attack from the periinsular left-cerebral controlled right heart attack, which is associated with ulcers of the coronary veins in the ca-phase. Right heart attack is synonymous with pulmonary embolism and the epileptoid crisis of a Cervical Carcinoma in the pcl-phase. The relationship between these two organs can be explained by the fact that, in terms of developmental history, humans were once a ring-shaped being. In this very early phase of developmental history, the two organs were very closely related.
Another epileptoid crisis is, for example, the so-called "Lysis" in pneumonia, whereby pneumonia is the pcl-phase of a Bronchogenic Carcinoma.
Even tumours controlled by the Brainstem have such epileptoid crises in the pcl-phase, with or without mycosis or TBc, i.e. with or without the tumour having been made into a caseous necrotization and cleared away. In the same way as we had understood heart attack or pulmonary embolism as a disease in its own right, we now know of two types of Asthma in Germanische Heilkunde® (formerly: Neue Medizin, Germanische Neue Medizin®), which have in common that they both represent a schizophrenic constellation.
In all diseases we see the so-called "peepee phase" or diuresis phase immediately after the EK. The organism eliminates the excess stored water from the EK. Patients can often eliminate between three and five litres of fluid. When they know this, they are reassured. If they do not know the connections beforehand, they are horrified that they have lost a few kilos. When the peepee phase has happily passed, the organism returns back to renormalisation. Normally not much happens anymore.
Characteristics of the Epileptoid Crisis:
- Patient relives the entire conflict in fast motion
- So-called “cold days”, frequently with shivers and narrowing of peripheral blood vessels ("cold periphery")
- Sympathicotonia on all three levels; cold extremities
- Increase of thyroxine, ACTH, cortisol and adrenaline
- Increased urine elimination, so-called “peepee phase” or urinary phase, which reaches into the restitutive scar formation phase
HAMERscher HERD (HH) see Hamer Focus (not translated yet)
Specific brain organ relay that becomes an HH caused by a DHS. It has a concentric, sharply defined, target configuration during the ca-phase. In the pcl-phase the target-rings edematize. Later there is a local reserve of neuroglioma: glioma-rings, presently diagnosed incorrectly as “brain tumours” and unfortunately excised. (Glioma – for example astrocytoma, oligodendroglioma, glioblastoma, etc.)
The Tracks - see The Tracks
When an individual experiences a Biological Conflict through a DHS, at the moment of the DHS there is an imprint, not only of the conflict, but also of certain accompanying circumstances. If one of these situations recurs, he may even experience a relapse of the complete conflict. It appears that the side track always leads back to the main track, which explains its name, "track".
Example: In former days, the first lovemaking almost always took place in the hay. Complications or small catastrophes were frequent on these occasions. If these disasters caused a DHS, the smell of the hay could become a "track" in the conflict complex. After that, without even thinking, every time the affected person smelled hay, the tracks would be activated again. Most of the time, the first conflict type was "this stinks". In the case of relapses, that we call allergies, the ones we test with our little patches, regularly caused the patient’s hay fever in the pcl-phase. This "hay-fever" without hay could also have been suffered by the patient in the pcl-phase had he experienced a comparable catastrophe when making love to the same or another woman in similar circumstances. What we have here is an very good, extremely attentive warning system of the organism.
Sympathicotonia and Vagotonia
The vegetative nervous system, the computer centre of the biological rhythm of our body.
When our organism is healthy, it vibrates in so-called rhythms and at the same time in larger cycles. Rhythm we call the day/night rhythm or waking/sleeping rhythm or tension/recovery rhythm or sympathicotonic/parasympathicotonic (=vagotonic) rhythm.
This day/night rhythm oscillates like a clock in humans and animals, whereby some animal species ("night hunters") have the tension phase at night and the rest phase during the day. This rhythm, which we also call vegetative rhythm, is a central component of our whole organism, indeed of our whole life. The function of all our organs is coordinated by this vegetative rhythm. The nervous system that provides this coordination is called the vegetative or autonomic nervous system. It is also often compared to the two ends of the reins in a horse, between which our organism walks like a horse. One of the reins, the sympathicus, pulls in the direction of tension, the other, the parasympathicus, in the direction of relaxation, rest.
In almost all cultures night stands for darkness, cold, death, day for life, light and warmth. In nature, however, night is recreation, silence, vagotonia, daytime stress and conflict, if one disregards the so-called "night hunters", who have a reverse rhythm to their prey. Nature itself takes this into account, in that the prey animals in the pcl-phase (in the SBS) can only sleep towards 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning when it gets light, in order to avoid being attacked and killed by the night hunter in the dark in deep sleep.
We want to coin a new term for this up and down in biology:
the Biological Wave Rhythm
(der Biologische Wellen-Rhythmus)
Both the Normotony and the two-phase nature of the Significant Biological Special Programs are then variations of this biological wave rhythms. In my opinion, this biological wave rhythm is the original motor of life in general.
First phase of the "disease" or Biological Special Program. In the sense of permanent sympathicotony it is the same as the ca-phase. As innervation: permanent shifting of the vegetative balance in the direction of the sympathicus nerve (borderline strand of the sympathicus).
Symptoms: Mydriasis, tachycardia, hyperhidrosis, hypoacidity of the stomach, paralytic intestinal paralysis etc. In the past this was generally understood as a vegetative disorder (vegetative instability). The facts were correct, but the understanding of the causes was missing.
Vegetative innervation of the parasympathicus, also called parasympathicotonia. In the sense of permanent vagotonia it is the same as the pcl-phase. The nervus vagus is considered to be its own cranial nerve, which has several parts, a nucleus dorsalis, a nervus ambiguus and a nervus tractus solitarii. Vagotonia (according to Eppinger, Haas 1910): Permanent shift of the vegetative balance in the sense of increased excitability or predominance of the parasympathetic system. In the past this was generally understood as constitutional vegetative instability.
Symptoms: Hypotension, bradycardia, miosis, gastric hyperacidity, intestinal colic, increased salivary secretion. That what we call pcl-phase today in Germanic medicine had of course been observed in the past, but had not been able to understand it and was therefore misinterpreted as "vegetative lability" or "dystonia". The fact was and is undisputed, the evaluation of the fact was wrong.