Verification Namur
Protocol from the Medical Conference of 12 and 13 May 1990 in Namur, Belgium

A protocol confirming the IRON RULE OF CANCER was issued in the presence of the doctors mentioned below, who were present in Namur that day.

A complete examination of the 6 patients was performed and each case was documented in detail.

The purpose of the examination was to determine whether all pathological processes of these patients were in conformity with IRON RULE OF CANCER. All patients suffered from cancer or cancer-like diseases.

The Iron Rule of Cancer has been confirmed each and every time on all 3 levels

  • psyche, which was verified by patient's presence - history of conflicts
  • brain, supported by brain CT images and
  • organ, supported by the organ CTs and the clinical findings.

All patients introduced to Dr. Ryke Geerd HAMER were unknown to him.

The correlations were conclusive.

Translated by Ela Faulkner

The team of Germanische Heilkunde wishes you Happy Winter Days!
2025 -
one step closer to our true way of life
ARCHIVE - 1990
Verifikation Namur 11/19 - Birkmayer to Kenner 12/05 - Austrian Cancer Aid
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