Diario 16: Montagnier

Diario 16, 04.04.1997

Montagnier admits that he has never seen that the virus kills

Professor Peter Duesberg of the University of Berkeley asserts that "retroviruses do not kill cells (...) they are the least harmful viruses that we have ever observed"
The Nobel Prize winner for Chemistry Kary Mullis says that the research has not respected the rules of scientific methodology, it has been hasty, "a half-truth"

Translator note: TVE stands for ‘Televisión Española’. It is the Spanish national public television broadcaster.

This article dates back to the period when Dr Hamer was not yet sure if viruses exist, but he was sure that viruses, if they exist, do not harm the body but help the body. In this article, the pseudo-discoverer of the pseudo-Hiv virus Montagnier even stated himself that the virus does not kill cells.

From today's point of view this statement is obsolete, because from the year 2000 Dr. Hamer already knew that viruses (lat. poison) are not existing.

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