Pilhar forwarded to Dr. Hamer (Eybl)
Dr. Hamer
De: Eng. Helmut Pilhar [aon.91322675@aon.at]
Enviado el: lunes, 12 de marzo de 2012 20:51
Para: Ryke Geerd Hamer
Asunto: FW: WG: Parents Pilhar to DerSpiegel and Björn Eybl - “They are waging an economic war against Dr. Hamer”
> From:
> Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2012 17:36.32 +0100
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: WG: Parents Pilhar to DerSpiegel and Björn Eybl - “They are waging an economic war against Dr. Hamer”
I fear that Björn Eybl's naivety has got him trapped between the fronts and he is being used by the elite to damage the GNM in general. When it comes to other topics such as free energy, similar tricks are used. This means that people who are engaged with a topic and whose findings should actually be beneficial to all people are played off against each other beforehand so that there is no breakthrough. This succeeds because the people involved are too egotistical and narrow-minded and lack a certain level of spiritual and holistic awareness.
As far as Björn Eybl is concerned, and although I have only been studying GNM for about five months, I can tell you that the classification of diseases according to organs is a pipe dream because up to three germ layers are affected per organ, which leads to a total distortion of this knowledge. This is certainly very convenient for the elite in order to force the distribution of his book “The Psychic Roots of Diseases” and thus damage GNM.
Best regards