Eng. Helmut Pilhar passed away

On the occasion of this tragic news, we would like to express our gratitude to Helmut Pilhar for his many years of work in spreading the Germanische Heilkunde.

Although our relationship with Helmut has been turbulent and unhappy in the period after Dr. Hamer passed away, we would like to remember the good times; and may the energy of our warm appreciation reach him wherever he may be now.
A hug to you, Helmut.

Bona Hamer

We have received the sad news that Helmut Pilhar passed away on August 31, 2022. He has done valuable work for Germanische Heilkunde and has introduced the discovery of Dr. Hamer to many people, though he faced massive opposition. For this work, he deserves our great appreciation.

We are deeply sorry that he passed away at such an early age; our sympathy is with his family.

Germanische Heilkunde Working Group

The team of Germanische Heilkunde wishes you Happy Winter Days!
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one step closer to our true way of life
ARCHIVE - 2022
31.08. - Helmut Pilhar passed away
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