Olivia Pilhar: Dr. Hamer's Press Release
Press Release
On 07/23/1995, in the evening at 7 p.m., I called Dr. Marcovich in Vienna. During the night, until 1:00 a.m. on 07/24/1995, we called each other six times.
My request was: "Dr Marcovich, can't you bring a declaration of assurance from the Austrian authorities when you come to Malaga tomorrow at noon, confirming that no one will force the child to undergo chemo and stay in hospital? If you bring such a document, the whole family will agree to go home with you." Dr Marcovich did some research and told me on the next call that she could bring such a declaration with her. We both agreed that Olivia cannot recover under the extreme pressure caused by journalists and the authorities, as a peaceful atmosphere is necessary for recovery.
We then agreed to carry out our secret plan– involving Consul W. Esten. We, i.e. Dr Marcovich, Olivia's parents and I, agreed not to talk to anyone about it in order to avoid the expected crowd of journalists: Just one hour after our last telephone call, the rescue plane took off from Vienna (at 2:00 a.m.).
The return flight from Malaga was arranged for 5.00 am. Everything went smoothly. Just to be on the safe side, or because he couldn't sleep, Consul Esten arrived at 3:00 a.m. at the Pilhar family's flat. But somehow the "ORF" in Vienna (Austrian TV station) got wind of the secret plan. They filmed the departure of the family from Malaga.
The only danger for Olivia was that Prof. Gadner, who was waiting for the parents when the plane arrived, could have talked them into a stationary stay. But in the meantime the whole family arrived home safely– escorted by 10 police men.
Dr. Hamer
Translated by El Glauner