Events of the Year 2001
01/10/2001: Dr. Hamer writes a second letter to the Chairman of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Paul Spiegel.
03/05/2001: Letter from Dr. Hamer addressed to the Consistoire centrale (Central Council of Chief Rabbis in France)
03/14/2001: Dr. Hamer files criminal complaints
- against the deans of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Tübingen for knowingly and deliberately suppressing knowledge since 1981 and aiding and abetting the mass extermination of patients.
- against the teaching staff of the Medical Faculty of the University of Tübingen for knowingly and deliberately suppressing knowledge since 1981 and aiding and abetting the mass extermination of patients.
- the judges at the Sigmaringen Administrative Court, Dr. Iber, Dr. Diem, Dr. Hausser
and their assessors, for deliberate misapplication of the law, knowingly and deliberately suppressing knowledge and aiding and abetting the mass extermination of patients.
04/17/2001: Letter from the public prosecutor's office in Tübingen, quote: “...By order dated April 3, 2001, in accordance with §152 paragraph 2 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Strafprozeßordnung), I did not accept your criminal complaint. ... Anyone who follows the standards of conventional medicine is not violating their duty.”