Cancer: in Israel conspicuously rare

Newsletter of the Embassy of the State of Israel
Israel Diplomatic Network
Embassy of the State of Israel – Berlin, Wednesday, 10/29/2008
Decline in cancer cases in Israel.
The spread of cancer in Israel is experiencing a decline. The national cancer registrar, Dr. Micha Barchana, communicated this today. This is mainly due to a decline in colon, breast and lung cancer.
Barchana pointed out that due to public awareness and preventive screening, cases of breast cancer are increasingly discovered at an early stage. According to current data, 3075 cases of breast cancer were registered in 2006 (compared to 3144 in 2005). As before, high breast cancer rates are still registered from the Arab sector.
The number of cancer-related deaths has also declined in recent years. So it was that in 2004, 152 people in Israel died of cancer; a slightly lower figure to the 160 deaths recorded in 2003.
(Haaretz, 10/22/08)

Cancer: in Israel conspicuously rare
The national cancer registrar of Israel, Dr. Micha Barchana, recently communicated that the already very low cancer rates in his country are happily further decreasing. This was the case mostly with colon, breast and lung cancer.
Already in 2004, only 152 people, out of a population of 7.4 million in Israel, died of cancer. Purely mathematically this yields the spectacular figure of 0.4 cancer deaths per day. For comparison, in Germany alone during the same year, 220,000 people succumbed to cancer – that is 601 people every day. In 2008 in Austria, there were 55 cancer deaths daily, and in Switzerland, “only” 40. In Israel, however, this value is reduced by a factor of 100! Israeli statistics reveal that most of the cancer victims originate from the non-Jewish population. Therefore, the death rate amongst the Jews is even lower.
But why? Do the Israelis lead healthier lives? Not really, since there also, every fourth person smokes. The key lies in the cancer treatment itself: because in Israel one looks at cancer from a holistic point of view and gives the utmost priority to detoxification of body, mind and soul, combined with a healthy diet.
It is very obvious that this natural therapy approach works extremely well. It is just a shame that academic medicine in the rest of the world still relies on the “fabulous business” of chemotherapy, radiation and radical operation. Because it, namely, does not help. Worldwide, cancer illnesses are still on the increase. In Europe alone, altogether 1.7 million people died of cancer in 2006. However, insiders estimate that the true number is much higher given that many cancer patients afterwards die from the consequences of a customary treatment, and then end up statistically under the rubric for “cardiovascular deaths”.
Numbers can clarify a few things. When one takes the number of cancer deaths per year in a country and then, based on the total population figures, converts and expresses this in terms of deaths per million, and compares the obtained values for different countries: for every one million Germans, there are 2683 cancer victims per year. In the EU (25 member states), the same comparable figure lies at 2522 deaths, in Israel, at 21.
Therefore, the risk of dying from cancer is 120 times higher in Europe than in Israel.
So, there is only one solution: either emigrate and move to Israel, or only let yourself be treated with natural therapies!
Translation from "Germanic Heilkunde - Introduction"
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Further information: Jewish Horsemen. Putin. Apocalypse.