Verification Löwenstein

Med.-Director Dr. S. Nagorny
Medical Superintendent Department of Anaesthesia,
Lung Physiology and Allergology, Löwenstein Hospital

7101 Löwenstein
Kreis Heilbronn
Phonenumber (07130) 511


Between 26.07.82 and 29.07.82, Dr. med. Hamer has obtained anamneses by questioning a total of 5 patients with a histologically proven bronchial carcinoma in the Löwenstein clinic. The respective ward doctors of those questioned were present.

The five criteria on the “IRON RULE OF CANCER” proposed by Dr. med. Hamer were fulfilled in all cases by the patens' anamneses.

Med. Direktor Dr. Nagory
Medical Superintendent

Translated by Ela Faulkner