Reproducibility of the Germanische Heilkunde®

To reproduce a patient’s case according to the Biological Natural Laws of Germanische Heilkunde in principle is very simple as the phases of a “disease” (SBS-phases) run simultaneously on three levels (psyche, brain, and organs). There are two phases of every so-called “disease”, assuming that the conflict is resolved, plus a phase of normotonia before the sympathicotonia (i.e. the conflict active phase) and a phase of restoring normotonia at the end of the vagotonia (i.e. the conflict-resolved recovery phase).

So we have not only 4 phase sections on 3 levels each, but also 3 additional distinctive elements: DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrome), CL (Conflictolysis) and Epileptic / Epileptoid Crisis on 3 levels each, i.e., 21 criteria, which we can query, each individually, according to the 5 Biological Laws of Nature.

However, since the 5 Biological Laws of Nature together contain at least 6 criteria, including the histological criteria, the cerebral-topographical, organ-topographical, conflict-colorative and microbiological criteria, one arrives at 126 verifiable and reproducible facts for a single case - if all 3 levels can be closely examined.

It is improbable that only any single case would randomly show these 126 replicate reproducible facts, because it is always one of millions of possible cases. But if a patient has only two so-called “diseases”, which may run partly parallel or successively, then the reproducible facts add up to 252. The probability is therefore multiplied to truly astronomical values!

Another fundamental criterion is that the location of the Hamer Focus in the brain is predestined. This means that the relay (one of several hundred possible relays) is already known in advance. And this relay, in the so-called case of Hamerscher Herd, must now have precisely the formation that belongs to the corresponding phase.

However, the patients usually have multiple issues, like cancers, paralysis, diabetes or similar, and for each and every so-called "disease,", i.e., Significant Biological Special Program (SBS), all criteria must again be fulfilled…!

Copyright by Dr. med. Ryke Geerd Hamer
Translated by Ela Faulkner