Information Booth in Erlangen (Germany)

Information booth of the Stammtisch (Meeting Group) for Germanic New Medicine® Fürth (Germany), Sa 03/05/2005

Image 5
Image 6
Image 7

Image 5: The major attraction at the 1st Open Cancer Conference in Berlin February 26/27, 2005. Spontaneous healing? NATURALLY!

Image 6: Freedom for Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer arrested

  • The discoverer of Biological Natural Laws. The discovery: Germanic New Medicine
  • on Thu. 9.9.04 in the streets of his home in Spain near Malaga (arrested)
  • Without a legally valid arrest warrant, i.e. PREVENTIVE
  • And our press: Muzzled and conformist! Why?

Image 7:
When will a falsification of Germanic NEW MEDICINE finally be published?
All it takes is ONE patient case that does not conform to the natural laws!!! Who benefits from keeping quiet about it? For many this brings death!!!
We need to have the Germanic NEW MEDICINE on a legal basis.

Translated by El G.