Administrative Court Koblenz to Dr. Hamer
Administrative Court Koblenz
Dr. med. Ryke G. Hamer
Sülzburgstraße 29
5000 Köln 41
Our file number
9 K 215/87
Koblenz, 03/06/1989
Dear Dr. Hamer!
In your administrative law suit
% State of Rheinland-Pfalz
concerning your right to practice your profession
the enclosed decision of February 17, 1989 is being sent to you.
Since you did not attend the appointment scheduled by the court-appointed expert on January 31, 1989, you are hereby requested to inform us unambiguously whether you reject any form of expert opinion, including the two-week hospitalization suggested by the expert.
The court points out that in the case of your refusal, the order to take evidence can be set aside and that it is then possible for the court to decide on the matter alone. In this case, any lack of clarification based on your non-cooperation is likely to work to your disadvantage.
Your reply is expected within two weeks.