Attack on the publishing house Amici di Dirk No.4

Since the publication of the lawyer's letter is ineffective too, and neither the Working Group of Germanische Heilkunde nor the publishing house Amici di Dirk® react to it, Mr Capetanis publishes the next PDF document finally showing the meagre evidence of his many years of friendship, help and "working alongside Dr Hamer on various projects".

⇢ Document: „Truth vs. Lies“ published April 12, 2023 ("Helmut Pilhar - GHk Academy English/German" Telegram)

Quote Capetanis: Dear friends and interested people of the Germanische Heilkunde according to Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer. I feel it is my responsibility to make the evidence available to the public. First, however, I would like to point out that neither Erika Pilhar, nor myself, had any intentions to create a further split in Germanische Heilkunde community. Nick Capetanis, GHk Pilar Academy

Truth vs. lies, evidence - Capetanis

Dear friends and interested people of the Germanische Heilkunde according to Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer,

The following quote was published on February 12, 2023 by the “Working Group” of Amici di Dirk (Dr. Hamer’s publishing company headed by his widow, Bona Hamer).

Quote: We also do not know who Nick Capetanis is. But the statement "he would have worked a- longside Dr. Hamer on various projects" is not true, Bona Hamer cannot confirm this.

We sent a Cease and Desist letter on March 28,, 2023 to the publishing house to retract all lies about myself, Nick Capetanis, on their website. You are welcome to read a translation of the Cease and Desist letter if you choose. of-truth I feel it is my responsibility to make the evidence available to the public.

First, however, I would like to point out that neither Erika Pilhar, nor myself, had no intentions to create a further split in Germanische Heilkunde community.

We have clearly spoken out about this in our GHk Pilhar Academy info sessions.

Below I cite email correspondence between myself and Bona and Geerd that clearly show my personal, as well as project-related relationship with Geerd / Dr. Hamer and Bona. The emails are shortened accordingly with respect for privacy.

The following are the written documents:

-> This email is in regards to the Greek translations I was working on for Geerd.

-> This email also is in regards to the Greek translations and with planning a family visit tot hem in Norway.

Translation of the email from Bona:

We were very happy about your visit and hope to see you again soon.

-> Here, Bona confirms our stay in her house in Norway.

Note from Nick: We also had a lot of fun during this visit, a week‘s stay at Geerd and Bona‘s home.

-> Emails regarding our joint projects.

Translation of the above email:

Hello Geerd and Bona,

As discussed, I am sending you the Greek version with the agreed changes and improvements.

Bona, as we discussed when we visited you in Norway, it will be important for me to review the tables and graphs in the book once you have designed them. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call or email me. I will call you again tomorrow anyway,....

Until then, I hope you are well and take care of yourselves. We'll talk tomorrow.

Best regards

Melissa Niko and Enrico

-> Email regarding project Greek book - translation

Translations of the two emails above:

Hello Nico

I wanted to ask when you think you will finish the subtitles for the video. Then I can start looking for a flight to Spain.

Thanks again for your work Greetings to all, Bona

Hello Bona,

how are you and Geerd? I hope you are doing well. I just got home and couldn't edit the subtitles yet while I was in Germany. Are you waiting for the subtitles so you can take them to Spain? If so, just let me know by when you plan to fly to Spain and I will have them ready for you.

We will talk again soon. I hope all is well in Norway Many greetings to you and Geerd, Niko

-> Project Student Girls, Interview Geerd and Giovanna Conti

According to this evidence, the truth vs lies from the Publishing House are obvious.

How can Bona Hamer be carried away to such assertions, since without doubt, our relationship is proven hereby.

[...Content not related to the Working Group...]

Unfortunately, Bona Hamer and the working group have fallen for his devious, insidious machina- tions and in the process, have exposed themselves as liars.

channel operator), who hypocritically outwardly, "neutrally" want to inform the public about the facts, have now emberassed themselves to have naively and uncritically taken over and spread this lie and outed themselves as biased. Thus they disqualified themselves as a neutral original platform of the Germanische Heilkunde.

In summary, it is now clear that Bona Hamer, as the management of the Amici-di-Dirk publishing house, the working group of Germanische Heilkunde with Ewa Leimer as the management have lied, [...] has shown himself to be a liar, a cheat and an intriguer and the so-called neutral platforms have proven their incompetence.
This behavior testifies that they are not concerned with the well-being of the community of Ger- manische Heilkunde and are in no way worthy of representing Dr. Hamer!

For Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, values counted. Dr. Hamer was a man of honor, a benefactor, a hu- man and animal lover. Geerd was a man with a great mind.

His efforts were always based on the need to put an end to the unspeakable suffering of the many poor people affected.

Geerd would not want his Germanische Heilkunde to be represented by people with such low le- vel, self-serving motives.

I demand again the publishing house, Amici-di-Dirk, make the corrections according to the Cease and Desist, otherwise I see myself forced with these and further proofs to enforce the correction judicially.

Nick Capetanis

⇢ Document: „Truth vs. Lies“ published April 12, 2023 ("Helmut Pilhar - GHk Academy English/German" Telegram)