This summer brought him to prison

get to text: 10 July 2023


Death in Corsica – This summer landed him in prison

After decades of headline-making behind Victor Emmanuel of Savoy, his fate is once again unveiled for the world to see in a new Netflix documentary.

It was a mild summer day in August 1978 when Victor Emmanuel of Savoy, 86, was vacationing with his family in his holiday home on the Île de Cavallo off Corsica. Although the last crown prince of Italy was not allowed to set foot in his homeland, he lived a life of sheer luxury. In 1971 he quietly and secretly married his great love Marina Ricolfi Doria, 88, after their Las Vegas wedding in Tehran, together the couple has a son, Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy, 51.

The life of the family was to change forever that summer. In a shootout on August 18, 1978, in which Viktor Emanuel von Savoy was significantly involved, the 19-year-old student Dirk Geerd Hamer was seriously injured. Hamer succumbed to his injuries four months after the life-threatening shot. A tragic death that would put Victor Emmanuel in prison.

A summer in Corsica that changed everything

But from the front. When Victor Emmanuel of Savoy vacationed with his family in Cavallo in the summer of 1978, the Crown Prince apparently felt disturbed by a group of young Italians who were taking a day trip to the island. This emerges from the new Netflix documentary series “The King Who Never Was One”, in which, among other things, the 86-year-old and numerous participants of that summer have their say.

We also publish public media reports because we want to document how ruthlessly they lied about Dr. Hamer and the murder of his son Dirk. We recommend reading the documents in our online archive and the book "Einer gegen alle" (One Against All).