Danish Documentary on HPV Vaccination
The inoculated girls - sick and abandoned
Vaccination always causes poisoning (also chip implantation) and in some or even many cases death. We can observe an increased number of vaccination deaths again at the moment – history repeats itself. Already back in the 19th century, the critics against vaccination became quite active. There are at least German documents1 that document some of the vaccination damage at that time. You can probably find a lot of information about this topic in English, too. The mass murders are obvious in these documentations. How can it be that vaccinations are still propagated today since tens of thousands (millions?) of people died or suffered vaccine damage?
It is surprising that critical documentaries are being shown on public television at all. Or are they only allowed to be broadcast just so that they can say, "We told you so. It was your own fault if you got vaccinated."
This is exactly how young women with HPV vaccine damage are treated in Denmark: They do not receive sufficient financial support and are left alone with their health damage. This documentary was shown on Danish public television and yet the majority still get vaccinated. Apparently, people's memory is short.
If Germanische Heilkunde® were officially recognised today something like vaccination would not even exist. It would put an end to the business of the pharmaceutical companies and to the mass murder with chemo and morphine in hospitals.
The media and politicians help the pharmaceutical industry to become a mega-business. But why do drugs and vaccines have to contain substances that are so dangerous for humans anyway?
Since 1981, Dr Hamer's discovery has been a constant threat to those who earn billions and those who want to exterminate the majority of humanity (R. Bulochnik is talking about extermination in Jewish Horsemen. Putin. Apocalypse.) If you know the Germanische (the Germanic), you don't even consider vaccination.
Since we do not even know what we are going to vaccinate against (toxins, antibodies against the healing phase?) and since there are no viruses to vaccinate against, all is a fraud.
Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer
El Glauner 2023
1 - German documentation, for example:
- 1840 Dr. H. Oidtmann, Ehren-Mitglied des med.-ätiol. Vereins in Berlin, Arzt in Linnich, Reg-Bez. Aachen: „Weshalb ich meine Kinder nicht habe impfen lassen“ – Meine Antwort als Arzt und Vater auf eine gerichtliche Vorladung und auf eine gleichzeitige landräthliche Verfügung betr. Impfweigerung.
- 1912 Hugo Wegener „Impf-Friedhof“, 1. Band mit mehr als 36.000 Impfschäden und 139 Abbildungen.