Verification Chambery, France

Verification of Germanic Heilkunde from France.

Verification Namur, Belgium

The purpose of the examination was to determine whether all pathological processes of these patients were in conformity with IRON RULE OF CANCER.

Verification Burgau

Without exception, we found that the biological laws of the NEUE MEDIZIN 1 to 3 were exactly fulfilled in all 12 cases, most of which had several diseases.

Verification Vienna (AKH)

A total of 7 patients were examined. The examination had the explicit purpose of determining whether all clinical pictures and courses of disease of these patients ... had clearly followed the Iron Rule of Cancer.

Verification Gmünd

It was shown that the IRON RULE OF CANCER was synchronously true in all 3 levels (psyche, brain and organ). For clarification of the cerebral level we had made a brain-CT.

Verification Munich

A total of 27 patients were examined and every single case was documented in detail. ... Dr. Hamer had not known the patients presented to him before.

Verification Gelsenkirchen

On 23 and 24 May 1992, a medical conference under my direction took place at in the Municipal Children's Hospital Gelsenkirchen on 24 cases based on the rules of the 'New Medicine'...

Verification Löwenstein Clinic

The five criteria of the “iron rule of cancer” proposed by Dr. med. Hamer were fulfilled in all cases by the patients' anamneses.

Verification Vienna (1984)

The CT images of the brain did not seem clear in all cases, but in the majority of cases they seemed so striking that the conference considered this study desirable in order to get definite clarity about the connections.

Verification Bremen

A Hamer Focus, that does not grow cannot be a carcinoma or a metastasis, as such a structure would have to be defined as growing according to general scientific ideas.

Verification by Marc Fréchet

... I am aware that this testimony can be used in this court. I am aware and accept any consequences of the following statement to your jurisdiction.

Confirmation of the University of Trnava

According to scientific rules, an official verification of a university may only be overruled if the other (falsified) side proves the opposite.