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Germanische Heilkunde THING 1 - Oct 5th, 2021
Russell Means (Oyate Wacinyapin, translates to “Works for the People”) not only tells the US-Americans that there is nothing different happening to them, than what happend to the Native Americans – but he has a message for ALL of us: "Welcome to the reservation"!
We can understand this statement globally. It is about becoming free people, free peoples again – worldwide!
Indeed, how much the two (by now almost historical) videos below touch on aspects of the criminal Corona era – indeed, much of what is going on and has been going on worldwide. From the prohibition to travel to the exploitation and enslavement of other peoples (of all mankind), the destroying of the natural, regional food supply, privatization of all banks (Federal Reserve), destroying of culture, etc.
Germanische Heilkunde® (fmr. Germanic New Medicine®) cannot be separated from the political subject matter (rule of law, domination by major religions, sect and its freemason lodges) and the social misstructures that are practically killing us. Germanische Heilkunde® also frees us from the fear of supposedly evil diseases and supposedly evil microbes (viruses do not exist anyway). After reading "Einer gegen alle" ("One against All") everyone MUST be aware of this. If this knowledge would not have been suppressed since 1981, the worldwide medical fascism (not only since 2020) could never have come to this extent!
Thanks to this Cosmic Knowledge (the Spanish say: "La medicina sagrada") you can free yourself and recognize again your own power, which is necessary in order to regain freedom. It is about becoming free again, becoming free people and living according to the laws of nature that Mother Nature has created for us – for all living beings on earth!
It is important for our life, and our survival as a human species, to have a comprehensive knowledge of Germanische Heilkunde®.
Germanische Heilkunde has always been the Heilkunde of freedom 2!
Dr. med. Mag. theol. Ryke Geerd Hamer
'Indian policy' has now been brought down upon the American people, and the American people are the new Indians of the 21st Century. The United States is one big reservation and we are all in it!
Russell Means
Videos created by INSPIRED
Please click to watch the original video.
1 - THING: The word appears in Old Norse, Old English, and modern Icelandic as þing, in Middle English (as in modern English), Old Saxon, Old Dutch, and Old Frisian as thing, in German and Dutch as Ding and ding respectively, and in modern Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Faroese, Gutnish, and Norn as ting, all from a reconstructed Proto-Germanic neuter *þingą; the word is the same as the more common English word thing, both having at their core the basic meaning of "an assemblage, a coming together of parts"—in the one case, an "assembly" or "meeting", in the other, an "entity", "object", or "thing". The meeting-place of a thing was called a "thingstead" (Old English þingstede) or "thingstow" (Old English þingstōw) and was often on a somewhat higher place or under a tree.
2 - Please read about HEILKUNDE under "Why Germanische Heilkunde". We keep the term GERMANISCHE HEILKUNDE in ALL languages.